Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Truthbomb Apologetics: Article: God-of-the-Gaps or Best Explanation? by Kenneth Samples

Chad has pointed to a very enjoyable article written by Kenneth Samples. It is very interesting. He answers the objections that many atheists level at Christians that we argue that just because science can't explain something than God must have done it. It's unfair. It's not true and Samples explains why believing God is not dodging questions or stifling scientific inquiry. I know atheists loathe this point but it's no less true: Without God there is no science. The scientist Johannes Kepler described science as "thinking God's thoughts after Him." I think that this is the best description ever.  Johannes Kepler is the one credited for starting to systematically looking at planetary motion. His work was later extended up by folks like Isaac Newton.

Truthbomb Apologetics: Article: God-of-the-Gaps or Best Explanation? by Kenneth Samples
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