Thursday, August 26, 2010

Apologetics 315: William Lane Craig vs. Yusuf Ismail Debate: Identifying Jesus Is He Man or both Man and God? MP3 Audio

I appreciate Brian Auten for posting the link to the audio and he even posted the video. I like the way William Lane Craig handled this. it is so hard to hit every point. None of Yusuf Ismail's objections are new. They have been answered ad nauseum I really wish  Craig had been able to answer the Biblical objections that Ismail used. I don't think it's not that Craig could not have done it,  I don't think he had the time. He's a philosopher not as theologian. There were a couple of point Ismail made that I wish could have been discussed further.
1. Ismail said that angels don't have free will but iof that is true how did Lucifer choose to rebel against God. Both the Bible and the Qur'an agree that Satan rebelled against God. If he did not have free will, how did he choose to rebel?
2. Ismail butchered so many Bible texts it gave me a headache.
3. Ismail misrepresented all the trinity and scriptural basis of the Trinity
4. Many of Ismail's arguments depended on the work of scholars who would just as quickly dismiss his own worldview on the same basis they reject my Christian one.
5. His point that you no longer have believe in the deity of Christ to be a Christian is silly. There are denominations that are turning away from the truth. I find that by and large, many of these denominations are also beginning to . accept as lot of other anathamas that Muslims would also detest. For example allowing clergy to be homosexuals and condoning their lifestyle is not something that is going to go down in Muslim countries. Yet they have rejected Jesus as God.
6. Ismail confuses historic Christian understanding with the viewpoint of liberal. He would not allow a Christian to do the same with the Qur'an.

Apologetics 315: William Lane Craig vs. Yusuf Ismail Debate: Identifying Jesus Is He Man or both Man and God? MP3 Audio
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