Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Clark Kent Takes First Flight in 'Superman: Earth One' Preview [Exclusive] - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

 One of the things I love about comic books is that you can really explore the human condition in different ways than you can in standard art. J. Michael Straczynski is one of my favorite writers. He can really craft a story and breathe new life into characters I thought I knew.In an upcoming project he has written a piece about Clark Kent as a young adult before he decides to become Superman. I haven't read the story yet but from this preview I can see some heavy issues are going to be discuss as Clark attempts to find his purpose. Clark asks:

"Where did I come from?
What am I doing here?
Who Am I?
What Am I?"

These are basic question everyone should have an answer for. What I want to know is since you did not make you, how do you even begin to answer these? How can natural material processes even begin to answer this questions. Yes, it is very philosophical. To be honest there have been Superman stories like this before and most of the time its presented as if Clark Kent is destined to become what he becomes -  a superman - very messianic in quite a few ways. This is actually the premise behind the Smallville television series.  I want to see how Straczynski handles the stories.

I'm not at all suggesting that DC Comics endorses the concept of God. I am saying that I believe it is impossible to answer the very important questions of identity and purpose without consulting the one who made us.

Clark Kent Takes First Flight in 'Superman: Earth One' Preview [Exclusive] - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
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