Sunday, December 5, 2010

FacePalm Quote of the Day #32 - Islam and Christianity A Common Word: Mark 16:9-20 False Bible Prophecies and False Miracles

Truly a post where only a FacePalm is the best comment. However, it's important to explain why this post from thegrandverbalizer calls for a FacePalm. Suggesting that the reason Jim Jones ordered his followers to take poison has a basis on a command from Jesus, given Mark 16:9-20 doesn't make any sense.

For one, in the very video it's clear that Jim Jones expected that they would all die - not miraculously live as Jesus said in the passage. Second, Jim Jones had adopted a theology that was nothing like what the Bible teaches by this point. He claimed to be God himself remember and was promoting all kinds of behaviors the Bible condemns as sin. Third, it doesn't matter if you think the passage should be canonical or not - it does not tell us that we should be drinking poison to prove that we are Jesus' followers. The suggestions made in the post and the video are fallacious and offensive. Jim Jones was not following Christ when he moved to South America and did that murder/suicide. The people were following a man - not God.

As for the Benny Hinn accusation, when you view his theology and his teachings, is there anyone who really wants to go out there and defend him and declare him a follower of Jesus Christ and that God truly works and speaks through him. C'mon, why would go after the low-lying fruit and then expect people to think that Hinn is the line of demarcation of what Christianity is and what it teaches? Really? I know of a better video that describes Benny Hinn's ministry.

Islam and Christianity A Common Word: Mark 16:9-20 False Bible Prophecies and False Miracles
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