Thursday, July 22, 2010

Apologetics 315: Why We Believe the Bible: MP3 Series by John Piper

Brian Auten has posted a 5 part audio seminar by John Piper. The topic was answering the question "Why we believe the Bible?". Thanks, Brian.

Apologetics 315: Why We Believe the Bible: MP3 Series by John Piper
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On the historical Jesus, the Jesus myths, the Bible’s reliability, etc. — Peter Jennings’ “The Search for Jesus” | True Freethinker

Peter Jennings informing viewers of World News...Image via Wikipedia
I appreciate Mariano Grinbank pointing out that this video is available on YouTube. I remember Peter Jenning's special on Jesus' life back in 2000. I even watched it and was infuriated at just how many facts were wrong. At the time, and since, there have been many many good rebuttals. But I don't think that there can be too many. Especially since all those lies continue to resurface. I agree with Mariano this response is a good one.

The Poison

The antidote

On the historical Jesus, the Jesus myths, the Bible’s reliability, etc. — Peter Jennings’ “The Search for Jesus” | True Freethinker
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Truthbomb Apologetics: Are the Terms "Micro-Evolution" and "Macro-Evolution" a Creationist Fabrication?

I really appreciate this article Chad posted on his blog. I am often encountering the objection that there is no distinction between micro and macro evolution aside from that made by ignorant creationists. This post is awesome in that Chad went and posted quotes from decades ago referring to the distinction. My favorite of the quotes he posted is by Richard Goldschmidt who said in 1940,

“the facts of microevolution do not suffice for an understanding of macroevolution.”

Truthbomb Apologetics: Are the Terms "Micro-Evolution" and "Macro-Evolution" a Creationist Fabrication?
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