Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Bible illustration blog: Drawing the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the CovenantImage via WikipediaI really enjoy the Bible Illustration Blog! The latest post is about the theories and ideas around how the Ark of the Covenant actually looked! Did the cherubim on the lid use both wing to cover the mercy seat? Did the poles run parallel with the long side? Short side? These questions are asked and discussed. This is a wonderful job!!!!

The Bible illustration blog: Drawing the Ark of the Covenant.
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1 comment:

  1. I admire artists - whether they draw, write, paint, photograph, sculpt, photograph, act, film, or play music. All of these are a gift of God. Also not something everyone has in equal measure. It is astonishing how people create things. It's one of the ways we are created in the image of God. Thanks for following my blog.
