Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday Quote: Ben Witherington on the Historical Resurrection of Jesus - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten has posted a great quote from Dr Ben Witherington on the important of the fact of Jesus' Resurrection. His comment flies in the face of scholars like Dr. Dominac Crossan who I heard once say that Jesus' physical resurrection plays no part in his Christianity.

“Any position in which claims about Jesus or the resurrection are removed from the realm of historical reality and placed in a subjective realm of personal belief or some realm that is immune to human scrutiny does Jesus and the resurrection no service and no justice. It is a ploy of desperation to suggest that the Christian faith would be little affected if Jesus was not actually raised from the dead in space and time.

A person who gives up on the historical foundations of our faith has in fact given up on the possibility of any real continuity between his or her own faith and that of a Peter, Paul, James, John, Mary Magdalene, or Priscilla. The first Christian community had a strong interest in historical reality, especially the historical reality of Jesus and his resurrection, because they believed their faith, for better or for worse, was grounded in it.”

- Ben Witherington

I agree with Dr Witherington. Without the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, there is no Christianity (1 Corinthians 15).

Sunday Quote: Ben Witherington on the Historical Resurrection of Jesus - Apologetics 315
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