Friday, September 30, 2011

Herman Cain Tries To Win Over Black People By Insulting Their Intelligence - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

Here are two articles about Herman Cain. He wants to be President. I don't think I want him. Danielle Belton points out something really important.

You know? I'll never get this tactic that is, in my opinion, overused by black conservatives to get their fellow Negroes to cross over to the GOP side. I call it the "All black people are stupid but me" tactic. Which is, by far, the worst tactic to use. Herman Cain, presidential wannabe and Godfather pizza man, recently went on CNN and said the Democrats have "brainwashed" black people into not seeing conservatism and the Republican Party as viable political options. Which ... OMG? Really? That old lie that pretends like the 1960s and 70s never happened? But then, maybe Cain wasn't trying to win over any black people to the GOP with that statement. Maybe that was really about making white conservatives feel better since the GOP is routinely accused of harboring, defending and protecting bigots within their own party, rather than running them out of town.
Cain has definitely not won me over.

Herman Cain Tries To Win Over Black People By Insulting Their Intelligence - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

Check out Rippa's article also over at Herman Cain: African Americans are “Brainwashed.” And “Not Open-Minded”

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