Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nearly Half of College Grads Come From Three Countries - Education - GOOD

College in America Infographic

I think that the article I have linked to this post is real important. It's about the importance of education to the prosperity of the nation and the world. The article's author said:

To stay economically competitive on a global scale, President Obama says the United States needs 8 million more college graduates by 2020. That may sound ominous, but according to Education at a Glance 2011, the annual international report on the state of education released Tuesday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the nation is still the world leader in churning out college grads. In fact, OECD data reveals that almost half of the world's university graduates hail from three countries—the United States, China and Japan.

the article goes on to explain that the United States actually does have more college graduates today, but I think President Obama's point was missed. He was saying that if we want to maintain our lead we will need 8 million more college graduates by 2020 because other nations are doing it. I think China and Japan are not only capable of closing the gap but surpassing us if we don't pick it up.

Nearly Half of College Grads Come From Three Countries - Education - GOOD
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