Thursday, October 20, 2011

FacePalm of th Day #137 - Responding to Johnny P World and does God have Free Will? Part 6

Well Johnny P returns. This time he doesn't say that he's not going to respond anymore or that he's wasting his time. See? Even he can grow. God sure is good. Well, this time around he ends up at times quoting himself and then my response from my last post and then he "responds". In order to make sure it's clearer I'll annotate his latest round of comments and offer further comments in red. Any past comment of mine will be in red italics.

“Oh but you are "critiquing" my worldview. The term of "perfection" and what that means happens to be important. If you are going to make an argument based on what God's "perfection" means, you should be prepared to define and defend on why your premises are correct. You have to show that you understand what the classical theistic positions are. And you haven't.”

I am critiquing your wqorldview, yes. As a result, I do not have to establish my beliefs as you demand. For example, I do not believe in God. How can I agree on a conept of God with you when my concept is non-existent? So you requiring me to define the perfection of God is stupid. I do not claim God is perfect. Theists do. Therefore, my idea of perfection is entirely irrelevant. Let me analogise so you can understand this highly subtle and obviously evasive point.

I'm not asking you establish your beliefs. I'm asking you to define your terms. God is perfect. This world isn't perfect. Theists do not claim that the world is perfect. What I want to know is are you saying that this world is perfect? It is not the Christian worldview that the world is perfect. You keep claiming that it is. Therefore you need to define what do you mean when you say it's perfect.

Jimmy claims that everything Scrwfcvb does is hilarious. Scrwfcvb ate a sandwich. Therefore, Jimmy must agree, under his claim, that from his point of view, Scrwfcvb’s eating of the sandwich was hilarious.

This is the logic used. Theists claim God is perfect. God created the universe. Therefore, the creation must be perfect.

Would you argue that eating a sandwich could be hilarious? I wouldn't. The conclusion does not follow. Information is missing. Just like your argument is now. Are you going to go on record and say that the creation in its current state is perfect?

Now, either you agree that God is perfect or not, definitions aside. I have yet to meet w theist who claims God is imperfect, or not perfect. From this premise, the rest logically follows.

Again God is perfect. The world is not perfect in its current state and according to the Christian Worldview, it is not in the same state as it was when it was first created. You can't throw that piece of information because it doesn't get you to the conclusion you have already decided to embrace. I was trying to give you an out by giving you a chance to explain what you mean by perfect, but you won't take it.

Getting me to define for you what perfect means is totally unnecessary. It is like refuting the argument of Jimmy based on the fact that you find the definition of hilarious totally different to Jimmy. That is irrelevant, since the argument is applying to the viewpoint and belief of Jimmy, not the belief of you or anyone else. As long as Jimmy agrees with the premise, then FOR JIMMY, the conclusion follows.

I agree that what you believe about the Christian worldview is irrelevant because it has no bearing on whether or not the Christian worldview is true or false. However how do we know that you understand what Christians believe about "perfection" because given your conclusion and premises you don't.

I don’t believe in God, so the premise ‘God is perfect’ is COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS. Therefore, asking me to define perfection makes no sense since the argument does not apply to me (I am not arguing it in the affirmative) and the first premise is meaningless TO ME.

Actually, I remember asking you to not just define what "perfect" means relative to God but also relative to the world as it is today. Your argument falls apart because God's perfection is not mutually inclusive with the world being perfect. It does not follow any more that eating a sandwich is hilarious.

However, it is not meaningless to theists. For example, I gave you empirical evidence that a fellow theist whom you admire believes this premise to be true, as do all other theist that I know.

You didn't prove that Fernandez believes the world is or should be perfect.

Incidentally, I attended the William Lane Craig debate last night in London. He admitted this logical argument by appealing to the omniscience escape clause. JUST AS I SET OUT! Argue with Fernandes or Craig, take your pick. But your pretty naïve attempted refutations of my points are fairly schoolboy.

William Lane Craig does not believe that the world is perfect. I don't have a problem appealing to God's omniscience. It's not a problem but you pretend that it is. On top of that your conclusion is still wrong.

Johnny P said:
“OK, on to science:

I responded:
And the hilarity continues.... “

Blah blah blah, attempted deflection to the fact that you cannot refute the argument.

oooo...I think I struck a nerve.

You claim this:

“When God first made earth, there was no earthquakes and it was not part of the prefect design or earthquakes are a consequence of the fall. I don't know but both of these possibilities fit the Christian worldview and does not not conflict with science”

OK. 1) earthquakes were not originally part of the perfect design (are you now finally admitting to the premises of my argument?!). How did they then become part of the actualised design without God realising they would actualise.

I think you either have a reading comprehension problem, selective amnesia, or stupidity. You claimed that earthquakes were part of the original perfect design. I'm saying that earthquakes in which people die and evil in general were not part of the design when God looked upon His creation and said that it was GOOD.. I never said that God did no know what would happen? He did. Why do you think God told Adam not to disobey Him? Of course God knew. He chose to do this the way it has. Again re-read Romans 8 if you wanna know why,.

They are only evil when people die? [huh?] So animals mean nothing to you? Other hominids who became man? The MECHANISM PREXISTED THE FIRST HUMANS. This means that God designed them into the system. He knew what plate tectonics would do. He knew what humans would do, thus implying WE COULD NOT DO OTHERWISE, or else he would not have had this suffering-inducing mechanism in place already.

You say you are arguing against the Christian Worldview but you don't seem to understand it. From the Bible, it's totally consistent to assume that there was no death before the Fall. No one and nothing died. And according to Romans 8, all of creation became subjugated to death, decay, and vanity because God is working out His will. The world was so different than it is now, we can't even imagine what the perfect world was. As for when humanity (what was here and what wasn't) first appeared and the age of the earth, I think that any conclusion you draw is still open. All I'm sure of is that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. We don't know have all the facts but to outright toss out the Bible is stupid. The Bible does not tell us all we need to know understand the mechanisms you mention, but those mechanisms are not completely understood either. Surely given more research and time a better understanding will come.

All of which is irrelevant to the logical discussion. It is, yes, another red herring.

The definition of red herring is not a line of discussion that you don't want to talk about.

God is perfect, his design must be perfect, he had death-inducing plate tectonics, diseases and carnivorousness designed into the system billions of years before humans came along. Would you like me to calculate the billions of animals that suffered terribly over these billions of years?

Um...that isn't the Christian worldview. Seems like you have red herring confusion.

Johnny P said.
“b) naturalistic events of material causality can be caused by abstract ideas (which by philosophical definition are causally inert).

So you admit that there is such a thing as sin and that you stand condemned as a sinner deserving of hell fire. If so then you should repent and return to Christ. However, if you agree that the Bible is right about sin being real, then you need to consider what the Bible says is caused by sin. All of creation has been subjected to decay because of our sin. (See Romans 8 again). The Christian worldview is against your very conclusion here. You don't deal with this. You just assume it. Rather sloppy. “

WTF, I mean, WTF? How the sodding hell did you derive that I believe in sin from the claim that YOU infer that abstracts can cause material events, which is philosophically unsupported?

You think sin is an abstract idea...therefore it follows. Like the hilarious sandwich or the perfect world. Like it?

This is your most stupid moment yet. It is utterly fallacious. Have you misread what I wrote. Let us compare these two sentence that you think are synonymous:

naturalistic events of material causality can be caused by abstract ideas (which by philosophical definition are causally inert).

There is such a thing as sin and I stand condemned as a sinner deserving of hell fire.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You are mental.

Let's get down to brass tacks: Can you demonstrate that there is no sin or that it has had no deleterious effects on the world. Good luck with that.

Johnny P wrote:
c) Adam and Eve existed as the first humans. If you don’t bury your head in the sand, you would know this is empirically disprovable through human geography, palaeontology, anthropology and genetics.

You do realize that there are not 100% agreement on that conclusion among professional scientists right?

Tell me one scientist, peer-reviewed and published in the relevant fields, who believes (based on empirical evidence) that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that humanity was derived from them, denying evolution, genetic ancestry, anthropology, palaeontology and so on. You have sunk to new lows.

Read below

OK, imagine you dug up a couple of crackpots. Should I believe, if I am not an expert in the field, the theories of ‘scientists’ that would account for a statistical null in the relevant field? You have a bizarre and rather cherry-picking take on epistemology and plausibility.

I'd think you would have to prove that they were wrong before dismissing them....that is if you were honest. And I thought that the point to have peer-review and published to weed out the crackpots.

Johnny P wrote
“This is cherry-picking. This is why I claim you live a life of hypocrisy. Accepting science (and thus the scientific method) that agrees with your worldview, and rejecting any science which doesn’t. If you can’t see this, then you are wearing blinkers.

You have failed to show this. But I have shown how you live inconsistently by claiming to be a philosopher but refusing to back up your epistemology. “

That’s just horseshit. It really is. I have shown to you, since I am not establishing the premise, that this is not only unnecessary, but clouds the argument as a red herring. I have also shown how you, proven by your responses, cherry pick your science. Therefore, my point entirely stands, and yours falls like all your other empty comments.

So you refuse to back up your epistemology. Gotcha. I haven't cherry picked science. Since when being skeptical of a conclusion equivalent to cherry picking. Oh I see. If one disagrees with you, it's cherry picking but agreeing with you means sound reasoning. Have you got that checked yet? You should.

“I hope you know that Universalism is not the classical Christian perspective, right? Therefore my comment should have made sense even to you, in context. And the YEC comment was important because uninformed people like you seem to think that the Bible says that the earth is only 6000 years-old. Here's a clue: it doesn't.. Some people only interpret it that way. “

Of course I do, you dolt.

You do know that name-calling doesn't add to your arguments right? Just checking.

You’re the one trying to put words in my mouth like some massive straw man factory.

Nope, you quoted me from a comment on Debunking Christianity that you disagree with out of context so I wanna make sure that you understand what I was saying then. Guess not.

YEC, OEC whatever shade you fancy, you need to start with the evidence and work TO the bible. Don’t start FROM the bible and go looking for evidence.

God didn't do things that way. There is much information that it contains that you can't possibly know without revelation. Again, you need to read Romans.

Rudimentary epistemological and methodological mistake. And don’t go asking for my qualifications, you moron. I could tell you I have three higher education qualifications from three different universities ranging from philosophy to education. I could tell you I am a department leader in Geography. Whatever. So what? It has no bearing on the content of what I, and more importantly what YOU say.

It would mean that you might have a leg to stand on. Isn't it hypocritical to demand peer review and test others' credentials without providing your own? Scared? You provide your credentials, degrees, and where you went to school and I'll give you "one scientist, peer-reviewed and published in the relevant fields, who believes (based on empirical evidence) that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that humanity was derived from them". Show me yours, I'll show you mine.

JohnnyP wrote
“"A theist ... would have to argue that this is the greatest possible way to achieve the greatest possible world... God often uses evil and human suffering to draw people to himself. Now God's ways and thoughts are far above our understanding and even the Scriptures state that. At best atheistic arguments show that limited minds can't fully understand why God allows so much evil..."

So even he agrees with my argument in principle.

Huh? How does that quote agree with anything you said?”

This is great. This is pretty much my entire argument. If you listen to the debate, you will understand that he is answering Lowder on exactly the points I have been making. All Fernandes does is appeal to the omniscience escape clause. And yes, it is the 1999 debate. What is your point? That logic has changed in 13 years? That Calvin was wrong because he wrote all those years ago?

The point was that you acted as if you just saw it and it's been out for years....and it's suspicious that you didn't provide a link. Omniscience is not a dodge, but explains how God can use and do anything he wants to bring about the reality He desires to bring into being. Notice how " greatest possible way to achieve the greatest possible world" does not imply that the world is perfect now as it is. That perfect world is coming and everything - even the evil and suffering is being used to bring it into existence. Your argument is still flawed and neither Fernandez or Craig would accept all of your premises or conclusions. You still didn't explain how that quote supports you.

The sum of you argument:

The special pleading that:

Plate tectonics only took effect after Adam and Eve
Plate tectonics would not have killed humans if Adam and Eve did not undergo the Fall.

That all animal suffering and death is either irrelevant or as a result of human sin, even billions of years before God existed.

Um God always existed. There has never been a point where God didn't exist.

Etc etc assertion assertion.
Even this, on the original logical argument, must have been necessary since, as I keep bloody repeating and you ignore:

God could have chosen any other world BY OUTCOME or PARAMETER or BOTH and chose this one, knowing of the Fall (which I find inherently logically flawed anyway) and all the resulting suffering. Since God is perfect, this must have been the perfect choice.

So you now have shifted your language. I agree it is the perfect choice. Of course. But this world is not perfect.

And it also implicitly accepts the punishment of anything, animal or otherwise, for the sine of others as being perfect.

I agree with William Lane Craig that animals don't suffer like people do. And because everyone is a sinner and deserve hell, no one but Jesus Christ has suffered for the sins of another. More proof that you have no idea what Christians believe.

But in order to establish ANY OF YOUR ‘ARGUMENTS’ as valid, anyway, the burden of proof is on you to:

Establish the veracity of the Adam and Eve myth

You call it a myth. Are your credentials a myth? Like I said, if you want proof from me on anything provide your own for why you have any authority or training to make any claims of any kind.

Establish the veracity AND logical coherence of Original Sin / The Fall.

Paul already did. Go read it.

After all, to collectively punish with corrupted natures, pain, suffering, and death all subsequent human beings and animals for an action such as eating a piece of fruit that they had been told not to (whilst having the mitigation of being tempted by the more wily and intelligent serpent) is to me the most improbable action of all for an all-loving god. Does the punishment fit the crime? Only for the deluded.

You don't even understand what the crime was? The crime wasn't eating a piece of fruit - it was disobeying God. The same sin you do every time you rebel against God and claim He doesn't exist.

Oh, and WLC's tuppence:

"The most common answer given by Christians is that the pain and suffering of animals is explained by the sin of human creatures, most notably the Fall of Adam. After all, Romans 8:19-22 seems to imply that the suffering we find in the natural world is part of the “groaning of creation”--a creation which cries out for redemption from the crippling effects of Adam’s sin. Isaiah 24:2-6 directly states that (at least much of) the natural evil in the world derives the fact that the peoples of the earth “disobey the laws,” “violate the statutes,” and “break the covenants.”

However, given the very powerful evidence that animals (and their pain, suffering, death, and predation) pre-existed the first human beings, that view seems incomplete. If the pain and suffering of animals predates Adam’s existence, it is hard to see how his (or our) sin could fully explain it."

I do admire and respect William Lane Craig and I think he is way more credible than you, however, I don't agree with him 100% of the time. And this would be something that I would not agree with him completely on. Notice how he gives his opinion and leaves what the Bible says. I refuse to do that. This doesn't mean that Dr William Lane Craig is not a Christian or that he's not born-again but it does mean that I have to disrespectfully disagree.

Of course, you also prove my point entirely by your theorising. This is how, I think, your scenario would work:

1) God knew Adam and Eve would sin through his divine foreknowledge
2) God could have created any other world, but chose to create this one in his perfect knowledge and omnibenevolence
3) God created a system whereby animals would die through carnivorousness and natural evil (plate tectonics) (These animals died and suffered before Adam and Eve existed)
4) These evils were substitutive sacrifices for the sins of Adam and Eve (man) (paid for in advance, during and after this sin)
5) God designed such punishments into the system in the knowledge that he would need such punishments at a later date for the infallible knowledge that humanity, that he created and knew would sin, would sin.
6) Therefore, natural evils are a necessary product (in payment for sin, and serving a greater good) for the creation of this world, the perfect choice of a perfect God.

This is essentially exactly the same argument as my original argument.

Not exactly the same. Here is where you are confused. Now watch closely because you keep missing this. Temporal pain and suffering is not in payment for sin. They are consequence of sin. The wages of sin is death not the punishment of sin. Therefore according to the Bible, we cannot argue that the imperfect state of this world is to punish sin. The result of sin does not equal punishment. Also given that you cannot prove that this timeline you have set up is true or that the Bible is false. The perfect world is coming but it was lost. We don't know if there were earthquakes then. All we know is that people didn't die and there was no suffering. I'm still shocked that you can't seem to understand what the Bible says.

What had happen' was.....: FacePalm of th Day #136 - Responding to Johnny P World and does God have Free Will? Part 5
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  1. This is your worst one yet. And I thought you couldn't stoop to lower levels of inanity and irrationality. Let me gather my energy to refute only a couple of the points here. The rest, well if you can't see the issues, then you shouldn't really be blogging. It's like arguing with a child. Yes, it's an ad hom. No I don't care. It's still a fact.

  2. I don't know which is worse: your arguments or in your thinking ad hominem fallacies like that are facts. Pretty pathetic argument. Looks like the stooping is yours.

  3. “I'm not asking you establish your beliefs. I'm asking you to define your terms. God is perfect. This world isn't perfect. Theists do not claim that the world is perfect.”

    For crying out loud, for the umpteenth time…

    All you need to do is answer this:

    1. Is God perfect?

    If yes,
    2. Can God do anything imperfectly?

    If yes, you invalidate 1.
    If no,

    3. Did God create the universe?

    If yes,
    4. Did God create the universe perfectly?

    What you seem to be saying is that God created a perfect world but humans imperfected it (with the Fall) or something similar. I have said several times, to which you have not satisfactorily answered:

    If God created the universe perfectly and new, infallibly in advance, that humans would imperfect his world AND he chose to create this world and those humans OVER AND ABOVE any other world with any other outcome (since he knows all counterfactuals, being omniscient) THEN:

    It follows that creating a perfect world and creating an originally perfect world (what I called the perfect parameters) are in effect synonymous. So you can bang on about me not defining perfect. Whatever, I DO NOT ASSERT GOD OR PERFECT. But all Christians do. You give me ONE Christian who asserts God is imperfect. So, as a generalisation, Christians believe God is perfect. That is an establishment of premise 1 that does not require me to justify either the meaning of God or the meaning of perfect. I do not hold a belief on either. I am not advancing the idea that God is perfect. You, on the other hand, might well need to argue over it, but suffice to say, you all believe it.

    Now, I have established that that initial creation was perfect. But God’s infallible foreknowledge is ‘perfect’ too. So either way, the design permits, and the designer knows, of the outcomes. Thus the designer, since he could have done otherwise, and could have had any other outcome, chose this one.

    Therefore, God’s perfect choice, since he cannot choose imperfectly, was a choice of bringing in this ‘imperfect world, as you choose to see it. Unless this is THE ONLY possible outcome. In which it is a necessary outcome, given creation. Obody believes this, so we will return to the former point.

    So either this is a perfect universe straight out, or it is a perfect set of parameters which brought about an imperfect world, which was perfect by outcome and choice anyway. Thus it is still a perfect world in one way or another.

    So on and so forth.

  4. But, do you know what, I couldn’t give a toss whether you understand this, admit to it or whatever. What really pisses me off is these sort of sentences:

    “From the Bible, it's totally consistent to assume that there was no death before the Fall.”
    “As for when humanity (what was here and what wasn't) first appeared and the age of the earth, I think that any conclusion you draw is still open. All I'm sure of is that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old.”

    I then said this:
    “Tell me one scientist, peer-reviewed and published in the relevant fields, who believes (based on empirical evidence) that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that humanity was derived from them, denying evolution, genetic ancestry, anthropology, palaeontology and so on. You have sunk to new lows.
    OK, imagine you dug up a couple of crackpots. Should I believe, if I am not an expert in the field, the theories of ‘scientists’ that would account for a statistical null in the relevant field? You have a bizarre and rather cherry-picking take on epistemology and plausibility.”

    To which you said:
    “I'd think you would have to prove that they were wrong before dismissing them....that is if you were honest.”
    “You provide your credentials, degrees, and where you went to school and I'll give you "one scientist, peer-reviewed and published in the relevant fields, who believes (based on empirical evidence) that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that humanity was derived from them". Show me yours, I'll show you mine.”

    And that last quote did it for me. It confirmed why I never want to speak to you again. What twat says that? This is an logical argument. It is about self-evident content. I do not need to give you peer-reviewed anything with regards to a logical argument. This is a terrible smokescreen, like a child on the playground, “I won’t do this if you do that!” Come on, how old are you?

    Do you know what, I would love not to have any qualifications, not to have written books, do what I do, have the job I have, be a founder member of a philosophy group etc etc etc. I would love to be completely qualificationless. Why? To show you that it makes fuck all difference to the argument I make.

    When interpreting empirical data using techniques and methodology necessary for the field in presenting or disproving a hypothesis on the dating of fossil remains for early man? Well, then I would need peer-reviewed scientific analysis. I gave a philosophical argument.

    Hey Socrates? Hey Aristotle? Hey Augustine? Hey Calvin? What were your university qualifications? Was your work peer-reviewed? Well then you are not entitled to put forward a philosophical argument or discourse!!! What do you mean, it’s irrelevant to this discipline? Oh, of course…

    Let us see what you have done:

    1) accepted that the earth is 4.5 billion years old
    2) claimed that Adam and Eve were the first humans
    3) claimed the historical verisimilitude of the Fall
    4) Claimed plate tectonics either did not exist or did not kill anything before the Fall
    5) Denied cherry-picking your science
    6) When asked to show proof for scientists and evidence that Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, rather than providing it, you demand I show you my qualifications which are ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to the discussion at hand. For example, I couldn’t give two shits what your qualifications are since they are irrelevant. If you were entirely confident with this evidence, you would be more than happy to show it, even though it represents a statistical null proportion of scientists in the relevant field.

  5. Let peer-reviewed evolutionary biologist explain a little, just on the topic of genetics:

    “Unfortunately, the scientific evidence shows that Adam and Eve could not have existed, at least in the way they’re portrayed in the Bible. Genetic data show no evidence of any human bottleneck as small as two people: there are simply too many different kinds of genes around for that to be true. There may have been a couple of “bottlenecks” (reduced population sizes) in the history of our species, but the smallest one not involving recent colonization is a bottleneck of roughly 10,000-15,000 individuals that occurred between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. That’s as small a population as our ancestors had, and—note—it’s not two individuals.
    Further, looking at different genes, we find that they trace back to different times in our past. Mitochondrial DNA points to the genes in that organelle tracing back to a single female ancestor who lived about 140,000 years ago, but that genes on the Y chromosome trace back to one male who lived about 60,000-90,000 years ago. Further, the bulk of genes in the nucleus all trace back to different times—as far back as two million years. This shows not only that any “Adam” and “Eve” (in the sense of mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA alone) must have lived thousands of years apart, but also that there simply could not have been two individuals who provided the entire genetic ancestry of modern humans. Each of our genes “coalesces” back to a different ancestor, showing that, as expected, our genetic legacy comes from many different individuals. It does not go back to just two individuals, regardless of when they lived.
    These are the scientific facts. And, unlike the case of Jesus’s virgin birth and resurrection, we can dismiss a physical Adam and Eve with near scientific certainty.”

    I won’t bother introducing all the other disciplines. As Christianity Today states:#

    “the emerging science could be seen to challenge not only what Genesis records about the creation of humanity but the species’s unique status as bearing the “image of God,” Christian doctrine on original sin and the Fall, the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, and, perhaps most significantly, Paul’s teaching that links the historical Adam with redemption through Christ (Rom.5:12-19; 1 Cor.15:20-23; and his speech in Acts 17.”

    The problem is, YOU, like Pastor Tim Keller, HAVE to believe in them, otherwise good ole Paul had it all wrong!

    “[Paul] most definitely wanted to teach us that Adam and Eve were real historical figures. When you refuse to take a biblical author literally when he clearly wants you to do so, you have moved away from the traditional understanding of the biblical authority. . If Adam doesn’t exist, Paul’s whole argument—that both sin and grace work “covenantally’—falls apart. You can’t say that Paul was a ‘man of his time’ but we can accept his basic teaching about Adam. If you don’t believe what he believes about Adam, you are denying the core of Paul’s teaching.”

    People like Harrell realise that science disproves Adam and Eve from all sorts of angles, so they shoehorn in an ad hoc argument:

    Harrell: “God created [Adam & Eve] supernaturally, midstream in evolution’s flow. To create in such a way would require that God also put in place a DNA history, since human origins genetically trace back to earlier, common ancestors.”

    Oh yeah, right.

    Of course, you entirely have to disown evolution too, since all the animals poofed into existence in the Garden of Eden. Oh yeah, right.

    This might interest you (it seems BioLogos are prepared to accept A and E as untenable).

  6. You are right, Johnny, but Marcus is as brainwashed as any Muslim, Scientologist, Mormon or any other cult member. If they could be unbrainwashed with logic, there would be fewer such folks.

    But do you really think logic can change the mind of someone who imagines themselves saved for what they believe and damned for doubt? Such people have been trained to rationalize the irrational because they are afraid not to. In their minds they can be punished forever for non-belief.

    I don't think you can change Marcuses magical thinking any more than he could change the mind of a Muslim or Scientologist or schizophrenic. The meme-viruses are too strong. This is why children must be inoculated with critical thinking from an early age-- so they don't end up like Marcus.

    Like most true believers in supernatural stuff, Marcus would rather keep believing rather than discover that he might be fooling himself like all those believers in conflicting faiths and wrong things. The incoherency of his faith keeps him confused enough to keep the faith. He is so busy spinning, he has no time to delineate exactly what it is he believes and why.

  7. @Articulett

    You are right, Johnny, but Marcus is as brainwashed as any Muslim, Scientologist, Mormon or any other cult member. If they could be unbrainwashed with logic, there would be fewer such folks.

    Hmmm...not Johnny's logic. It's flawed.

    But do you really think logic can change the mind of someone who imagines themselves saved for what they believe and damned for doubt? Such people have been trained to rationalize the irrational because they are afraid not to. In their minds they can be punished forever for non-belief.

    You are not damned for doubt. non-belief is default. None is born a believer. A lot of assertions here. Just because you think something is irrational doesn't make it irrational. Just means that you don't see it.

    I don't think you can change Marcuses magical thinking any more than he could change the mind of a Muslim or Scientologist or schizophrenic. The meme-viruses are too strong. This is why children must be inoculated with critical thinking from an early age-- so they don't end up like Marcus.

    Who said anything about "magic" You seem indoctrinated if you think the Christian World-view is about magic.

    Like most true believers in supernatural stuff, Marcus would rather keep believing rather than discover that he might be fooling himself like all those believers in conflicting faiths and wrong things. The incoherency of his faith keeps him confused enough to keep the faith. He is so busy spinning, he has no time to delineate exactly what it is he believes and why.

    What inconsistency? Maybe you can help him out. Johnny didn't demonstrate inconsistency. He just asserted it.
