Saturday, November 19, 2011

Faithful Thinkers: Thanksgiving, Evolution, and Design

Luke Nix has posted a very interesting and thoughtful blog post about Thanksgiving and how one sees Evolution and Design affects how one sees the Thanksgiving Holidays. He begins his post:

Thanksgiving is a holiday that I see has lost a lot of its meaning in American society. I remember being taught that Thanksgiving was a time to stop and thank God for everything that he has bestowed upon us (be it material goods, health, understanding or anything- even suffering).

It seems quite difficult to do such a thing when America has abandoned belief in a personal God who affects our lives or has abandoned belief in God completely. I would hope that I would be able to see people at least showing gratitude to each other for something, but I don't even see that anymore. Instead, I see people calling it "Turkey Day", almost in an effort to remove the idea of being thankful to anyone for anything- which is a direct logical conclusion of America's narcissistic materialism ("its all about me").

I totally agree with him on the whole article. You can read the whole thing at the following link. However, I thought that the graphic he used (above) is most telling. Notice how at no time, does the turkey stop being a turkey!!!

Faithful Thinkers: Thanksgiving, Evolution, and Design
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  1. Indeed, it is very sad that where I live the Hispanic community knows it as "Dia del pavo" aka "Turkey day." From the get go, they appear to not have a clue as to what the day means.

  2. Yes, it is. But at least the article Luke wrote can be used to educate those who don't know.
