Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Marvel Comics Trailer: Ultimatum

We really have come a long way haven't we? Nowadays, because of the tools the Internet provides, Marvel generates movie-quality trailers for their comic book stories. On November 5, Marvel is releasing a new series. It's called Ultimatum. Here is the trailer as an example:

Got a PS3 or PSP?

I just got a report from G4TV that Sony is releasing updates to the firmware that run PSPs and Ps3s. Firmware is software that is embed in the hardware and tells the device how to function. Here is the Report

Sony's bringing in the latest firmware updates for the PSP tomorrow, according to their officially "unofficial" site, Three Speech. The PSP 5.00 firmware update will feature the Playstation Online store that allows direct downloads of games, trailers and more straight to your PSP

The PS3's latest 2.50 update allows in-game screenshots "supported on a game-by-game basis", improved Trophy interface and more. But, as the unofficial blog states, Flash 9 will be enabled with the system's internal net browser. Sweet! For a demo of the latest PSP firmware update, head to Playstation.Blog.

Decision Time!

Barak Obama has been accused of being a "socialist" because he wants to "spread the wealth around". We all need to realize that we can't have things both ways when it comes to everyone being taking care of or having capitalistic free market. We seem to want have government out of our lives - spending, buying, and running our lives the way we see fit. However when we get mistreated or can't get what we think we deserve we tend to want the government to step in and protect us. We can't always have both. Where do you draw the line? If a white person does not want a black person living in the house next to him, where does his right to live in the neighborhood he wants ends and the black person's rights begin? Without government intervention, black people had no rights to live where they wanted or to vote or to go to school where they wanted. If we went the direction of "leave-it-alone" economics completely people will get left on the wayside. The concept of "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" is great. What do you do about the people who don't have shoes? How do they pull themselfs up? The question is: what kind of country do you want to be?

Terrence Howard will need to find another job

At first I did not believe it, but I have seen it confirmed from 3 sources: Terrence Howard will not be playing James Rhodes/War Machine in Iron Man 2. After I picked myself off the floor, I heard that he was let go because financial negotiations fell through. We know what that means: Howard asked for more money than Marvel and Paramount wanted to pay him. Who can blame him? Iron Man made over $500 million dollars. He may have asked for a salary comparablele to Robert Downey Jr's is what I think. I think he deserves it because James Rhodes is very popular in the comic books and one of my favorite characters whether he is standing on his own or supporting Iron man. Well that's the bad news. The good news is that he is being replaced by a great actor. Don Cheadle, whom I also like to watch. So I think that this may not be a bad thing for the movie after all but I will miss Howard because I was looking forward to seeing him in that role. I'm glad that Don will be filling the role too because had they picked a white actor I would have gone off. cry of "racism" would have been leveled for sure and brought to bear on the studios.