Saturday, May 2, 2009

Couple of Videos Taken April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009 was a big day. My son, Matthias, was born. Literally a few minutes after he was stabilized and pronounced healthy, my in-laws brought my daughter Makayla in to the room to see us. Always happy to be the center of attention, Makayla did a song a dance right in the labor and delivery room.

Here is our boy at 10 pounds and 4 ounces just as he had been weighted...counted...and found perfect! Matthias lives up to the meaning of his name: "Gift of God".

Makayla - 04-25-09

This is a couple of pictures of what Makayla was doing during the time a friend's bridal shower was going on. I took her to the park.

A Documentary about Islam

This is a well made video showing Muslims following the violence prescribed in the Koran along with the verses demanding such behavior!

Fitna - Documentary about Islam - Watch more Funny Videos