Friday, August 21, 2009

Argument from the Possibility of God - Apologetics 315

Argument from the Possibility of God - Apologetics 315: "This continues the series of weekly posts dealing with some basic theistic arguments. The purpose here is to introduce the reader to the idea behind each argument. Strengths and weaknesses will be presented after each summary. These are only summaries (not debate starters) and springboards for further study in the theistic arguments. See Reason for the Hope Within for more.

An Argument from the Definition of 'God' and the Possibility That God Exists"

This is real interesting and I think it's devastating to atheism. The weakness pointed out does not work because God can't do anything illogical. He can't make a four-sided triangle, for example. It makes no sense either to ask a question if God can make a rock he can't left. This post is well-worth reading.
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ghettoManga: Quotable

ghettoManga: Quotable: "'If i say i'm good, you probably will say i'm boasting. but if i say i'm no good, you will KNOW i'm lying!'
-Bruce Lee"