Quotes of the Founders : Founding Fathers quotes on religion, faith, Christianity

One of the common arguments floating around the water cooler  and the Internet is not over the idea that the future decisions and culture of the United States should be influenced by the religious attitudes of the founding fathers. No, we all seem to agree that it should be: When they framed the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the very foundation of American government, what did they have in mind? The question is were they secularist, who believed that God and religion had no place in the life of enlightened people or in government (as I have seen some atheists argue)? Or were they born-again, Bible believing Christians (as many of us Christians demand) making America a Christian nation. It's a tough question. I think both views are extreme.

I doubt that many of the Founding Fathers would ever be considered orthodox on Biblical grounds  given that that majority of them were Free Masons and/or deists. Deists believe that God created all of reality and then left it alone and does not intervene in it. Neither free-masonry nor deism meet the Biblical standards that God has for us. On the other hand, they were not atheists. I don't think a single one would have taken kindly to be called an atheist and to twist quotes in saying that they were Christian or Atheists is not fair or honest. By the definition of what I see a Christian as, none of the Founding Fathers that I know anything about measure up. I don't measure up either, yet I strive to, just at I believe they did all they knew how to do..

iI have found a great website that contains a list of quotes from the Founding Fathers regarding their individual views of religion:
Quotes of the Founders : Founding Fathers quotes on religion, faith, Christianity
I want to end this post with one of my favorite quotes from the above link:

“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” [Patrick Henry  - May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]

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