Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Unicorns and Dragons in the Bible

The Codex Gigas from the 13th century, held at...Image via Wikipedia

Dr. Mariottini has given us a great post giving us two important links regarding mythical creatures in the Bible. The KJV translates some words as "unicorn" and "dragon" but neither of these are given modern translations. These are great information. I mean did the writers of the Old Testament have the creatures depicted below in mind? Nah. Read the links below.

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: Unicorns and Dragons in the Bible

On Unicorns, Rhinoceros And Wild Oxen

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Apologetics 315: Apologist Interview: Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason

Greg Koukl was interviewed by Brian Auten of Apologetics 315. It is awesome. I've grown to really like Greg Koukl and his ministry. He offered great advice to any one for witnessing and studying and engaging with the culture. I really liked this interview.

Apologetics 315: Apologist Interview: Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason
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Iron Sharpens Iron: Martin Fromm: Jews With No Temple: Where is Their Sacrifice? Where is Their Hope? (Christ Our Passover)

A cropped version of Antonio Ciseri's depictio...Image via Wikipedia
On a recent interview from  Iron Sharpens Iron, Martin Fromm was interviewed and presented why as a Jew he accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is really interesting.  He says that if you honestly search the Old Testament, you can to no other conclusion that Jesus is the Messiah Jews have been looking forward. He explains it really well. I love it. We see that without a Temple and the sacrifices Jews don't have a way to follow the scriptures as they have been laid out without a Temple or Blood sacrifices. Fromm also pointed out that the Messiah had to come before the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD because we would have no way to apply the prophecies to validate His identity. Awesome!

Iron Sharpens Iron: Martin Fromm: Jews With No Temple: Where is Their Sacrifice? Where is Their Hope? (Christ Our Passover)
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YouTube - Bible Prophecies About the Advent of Muhammad

Torah inside of the former Glockengasse synago...Image via Wikipedia
Here is a lecture from Adan Rashid in which he tries to show that the Bible foretells the advent of Muhammad. I am amazed that he says that now that we have the Qur'an we don't need the Bible. Rashid spends quite a bit of time in the video trying to show a tradition Muhammad is prophesied in the Bible.  He ends up arguing that the Bible is proof that Muhammad is what the Muslims say heas and that he had to get his knowledge from God because he could not read and did not have access to other books that he is accused of copying.  I agree. Had he had access to those books, then maybe the Qur'an would not contain errors in describing the same events the Bible does or Christian theology. Then Muhammad turned around and taught that Muslims should revere the Torah, the Prophets, and the Injil (New Testament) and had he know how different his message was I doubt that he would have told his followers to read and understand them. If a Muslim is going to obey Muhammad, then he/she can't throw out the Bible. so what does the Muslim to do to reconcile this? Some ignore it, others like Rashid attempt to reconcile the Bible and the Qur'an bytrying to find events and persons from Islam in the Bible text. How well does this work?

Unfortunately, not very well. I'm not an Islamic scholar and I am willing to give Rashid some credit because he was attempting to cover a lot quickly. Let's look at two of the Bible passages he cited and see if his exegesis can bear any weight.

Isaiah 29:12

12 Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, "Read this, please," he will answer, "I don't know how to read."

Rashid said that this passage is referring to Muhammad because the prophet could not read. He interprets the scroll as the being the Qur'an. Two problems that jump out at me is I thought Muhammad dictated the Qur'an and was not handed a scroll. The other problem I have is context. The chapter is about punishment on Israel. Does Rashid really want to take verse 12 out of it's context and apply it to someone who it is not addressed to? Guess so.

Isaiah 42
Jews see the first part of this chapter as talking about the promised Messiah. Christians say it is Jesus. Rashid is arguing that it's talking about Muhammad. He seemed to focus on verse 1 - 9 so i will too.

6 "I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,

7 to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

How does that describe Muhammad. There are no recorded miracles of Muhammad healing blind people...but Jesus did.


4 he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth.
In his law the islands will put their hope."

Rashid argues that the passage refers to Muhammad because at it height Islam reached the peninsula on which Spain and Portugal sit. He said that that a peninsula is the same as an island and that's not true. This just does not work. You will also notice Rashid creatively uses geography to show his point. That is also a stretch.

I noticed that Rashid's audience does not know the Bible and he basically expects them to accept him as an authority, but I hope that they look themselves to see if he is correct...because he's not.

YouTube - Bible Prophecies About the Advent of Muhammad

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