Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are Black People Cursed?

I found a tweet from an atheist containing a link to with the title "Are Black People Cursed?". I immediately thought that I wouldn't like this because the tweeter is an atheist and I wasn't sure what the intent of the tweet was. I am glad I read the post. It's a Slide presentation showing how no way can you get slavery, racism, or that black folk are cursed by God out of the Bible. I agreed with almost everything in the presentation and I recommend that everyone read it and give the information and view point presented some thought.

Are Black People Cursed?
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YouTube - Jesus animation - John 14

There is a member of YouTube how has been using 3D animation software (Poser and CrazyTalk) to make life-like movies of people reading Bible verses. Here is Jesus speaking John 14. I love this. It is extremely well done!

Here is the actual text  of John 14 (NIV)

YouTube - Jesus animation - John 14

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