Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Truthbomb Apologetics: Sermon by Ravi Zacharias: Mind the Gaps

Chad, who publishes the Truthbomb Apologetics, has posted a two-part sermon by Ravi Zacharias. It was great! I really enjoyed Dr Zacharias' sermon that challenges Christians to really examine how we think and our attitude towards God.

Truthbomb Apologetics: Sermon by Ravi Zacharias: Mind the Gaps
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Sessler's Soapbox: Adam vs. Ebert - Can Video Games be Art? -

LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 02:  Attendees play vid...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
I was real interested to hear Adam Sessler's thoughts on Roger Ebert's essay on how Video Games is not art. I half agree with Sessler. It doesn't really matter if critics and academics out of the video game industry ever agree that video games will ever be art. It doesn't really matter what they think. Their permission won't make anything better. However I disagree with both Adam and Ebert in that I think of video games as just as much art as paintings, drawings, film, and literature. My definition of art is more broad than Sesslers because I don't think that there is no such thing as art where people don't bring something to the experience of the final product. For example when two people read a story book, even if there are pictures, neither one will imagine the exact same thing. And people always bring their own presuppositions, biases, worldviews, and imagination to everything and that will change how they understand the message of the original author. Art is always subjective. It's just in video games the player joins with the author in telling the story and it will be different depending on the player.

Sessler's Soapbox: Adam vs. Ebert - Can Video Games be Art? -

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A Vindication of Paul's Gospel

JesusImage via Wikipedia
In about a week Dr. James White will be debating Dr Robert M Price. Dr White prepares extremely well for his debates. Here is an example of his prep. Here he lectures on the facts of the Jesus and Paul's existence and that Paul really did write 1 Corinthians. Facts that Price denies. Take a look at the video.

A Vindication of Paul's Gospel

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Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, Part 1 (John Piper)

John Piper recently gave the following sermon about the sexuality and it's place in life. He makes great points and can't be ignored. I really never thought about his point that the Old Testament allusions to Israel being like a young woman who has found her soul mate who loves and protects her is just like us whom God saved us from sin and hell.

Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, Part 1 (John Piper)
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