Sir Elton John’s Historical and Theological Elucidations: Was Jesus a “super-intelligent gay man”? | True Freethinker

Elton John, English singer-songwriter and pian...Image via Wikipedia
Mariano has written a great piece on a recent statement by Elton John. I think this goes to show just how awful our society has degenerated and how much we can twist things in our own minds without God.

Sir Elton John’s Historical and Theological Elucidations: Was Jesus a “super-intelligent gay man”? | True Freethinker
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Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: The Oldest Song in the World

Dr. Mariottini has posted a great post pointing out that the oldest song we have is from Mesopotamia by the Hurrian people. Here is a description of how he described the article and a ink. You can even listen to the song.

Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: The Oldest Song in the World: "Very few people have ever heard of the Hurrians. The Hurrians were a people who lived in northern Mesopotamia in the third millennium BCE (c. 2500 BCE). Some scholars have identified the Hurrians with the Horites of the Bible.

Professor Anne Kilme, professor of Assyriology at the University of California, and a curator at the Lowie Museum of Anthropology at Berkeley has transcribed a Hurrian song, a song that is considered the oldest song in the world.

You can read more about the oldest song in the world here.

You can listen to the oldest song in the world here."

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Apologetics 315: The Cosmos Had a Beginning: Creation Ex Nihilo MP3 Audio by Ken Samples

Ken Sample does a great lecture about why there is good reason to believe that God created reality  - all of the Cosmos -  from nothing - ex nihilo. I'm grateful to Brian Auten posting this on Apologetics 315.

Apologetics 315: The Cosmos Had a Beginning: Creation Ex Nihilo MP3 Audio by Ken Samples