Sunday, June 27, 2010

Apologetics 315: Sunday Quote: Kant on the Bible

“The existence of the Bible, as a book for the people, is the greatest benefit the human race has ever experienced. Every attempt to belittle it is a crime against humanity.”

- Immanuel Kant

Apologetics 315: Sunday Quote: Kant on the Bible
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Dan Barker affirms intelligent design | True Freethinker

Truth is I don't think any rational human being could really come to any other conclusion after looking at the evidence. I mean does it really make sense that all of reality came into existence undirected? If you believe that, I think you can believe anything anyone tells you no matter how silly. I suppose I have to give Dan Barker more credit than I have.

Dan Barker affirms intelligent design | True Freethinker
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Biblical Apologetics Defined and Defended

I know that the image on the left shows how some people understand what "apologetics" is. I disagree. Look at how Dr. James White defines "apologetics" and it is way more accurate!

Biblical Apologetics Defined and Defended

Are we all atheists? | True Freethinker

In a word: No! Mariano has posted a couple of videos featuring William Lane Craig answering this question.

Are we all atheists? | True Freethinker
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PZ Myers Responds in a Self-Interested Way to Local Conditions | True Freethinker

Mariano has posted a great essay regarding how PZ Myers discusses Morality. I think he shows just how backwards and bankrupt such thinking as Myers' really is. 

PZ Myers Responds in a Self-Interested Way to Local Conditions | True Freethinker
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Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Historical Jesus – Three Centuries Worth of Citations

My friend, Mariano, has pointed me to this link on his blog before but now I think it's important to make special mention of it. In this post, he lists about 236 references to Jesus, most of them outside the Bible! This is an important list! Go ahead and look up the references!

Christian Apologetics - Life and Doctrine: Historical Jesus – Three Centuries Worth of Citations
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The Case for Lee Strobel | True Freethinker

Mariano has posted a list of resources from Lee Strobel.  This is a great list for anyone who  would like to read more of his stuff.

The Case for Lee Strobel | True Freethinker
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