Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Answering Muslims: ABC's Islam Deception: Are Men and Women Equal in Islam?

David Wood continues his response to the ABC News show about Islam. One of the assertions is that Islam teaches that men and women are equal. Really? Let's examine that.

Answering Muslims: ABC's Islam Deception: Are Men and Women Equal in Islam?

George W. Bush's Worst Moment? Hurricane Kanye - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

WASHINGTON - JANUARY 19:  In this handout imag...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Ex-President Bush has a book coming out soon in which he discusses his experiences and decisions while he was President. Too soon? I think so. He has an interview that will be airing next Monday. I'm shocked that Bush says that when Kanye West said that Bush "doesn't care about black people. " it was the worst moment of his Presidency. I got to admit Kanye only said what I was thinking. You know you were too. It led to one of the most shocking moments I have ever witnessed on television.

George W. Bush's Worst Moment? Hurricane Kanye - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob
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High Five of the Day #3 - The Nuisance of Biblical Logic

Alan Kurschner has posted a great quote from Phil Johnson that shows the difference between idolatry, fatalism, and blasphemy. In a very short quote, Johnson managed sum up why I reject open theism.
If God knows every detail of the future with infallible certainty, then (by definition) the outcome of all things is already determined. And if things are predetermined but God did not ordain whatsoever comes to pass, then you have two choices:
1. A higher sovereignty belongs to some being (or beings) other than God. That is idolatry.
2. Some impersonal force did the determining. That is fatalism.
Therefore if the thinking Arminian wants to avoid both fatalism and idolatry, he or she must deny God's foreknowledge, thereby nullifying God's omniscience—in other words, they essentially undeify God. That is of course blasphemy. But that is precisely the road Open Theism takes.
by Phil Johnson

The Nuisance of Biblical Logic
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