Monday, January 17, 2011

Definition of "Appeazer"

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." ~Winston Churchill

Francis Schaeffer Lecture Collection - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten has announced that Wheaton College has posted a lot of great lectures by Francis Schaeffer. He has provided all the links you need to look at what he taught and believed. It's a treasure trove.

Francis Schaeffer Lecture Collection - Apologetics 315
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First MCTS Podcast

James White was recently interviewed for the Midwest Center for Theological Studies podcasts. Well worth listening to.

We recorded some podcasts for the Midwest Center for Theological Studies last week while I was in Owensboro. The first has been released:

White & Barcellos | Interview 1 from MCTS on Vimeo.

First MCTS Podcast
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High Five Quote of the Day THE INTERSECTION | MADNESS & REALITY: Dr. Jared Ball on the Repackaging of Martin Luther King Jr. [VIDEO]

I like this quote!

"Martin Luther King Jr. stood for revolutionary transformation; he is used today to support policies that he fought against." - Dr. Jared Ball
I agree with Dr. Ball. It's not just being done in politics but it's also being done in such a way that in a couple of more generations Martin Luther King Jr won't even be thought of a being black.

Go ahead and read the link. The post will give you a lot to think about as the country celebrates Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday.

THE INTERSECTION | MADNESS & REALITY: Dr. Jared Ball on the Repackaging of Martin Luther King Jr. [VIDEO]
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FacePalm of the Day #49 - Debunking Christianity: Proving That Prayer is Superstition

Equating Prayer with superstition is really stupid. This version of prayer makes God look like a slot machine. Neither of the verses used in the video rules out that God can say "no". I think its really stupid to think prayer and lucky horseshoes are the same. I would like to ask why would God care if you roll 6 sixes with 6 dies. The amputee objection is just silly. What amazes me most is that it's offered as if no one has ever considered the problem. It's been more than answered (here) and has been answered many times. It amazing. It's like impossible for people who think this way to understand the definitions of "faith" and "prayer". They miss it every time.

If you watched this, you just watched 10 minutes of fail. Of course it's important to ask and examine such questions. The problem isn't coming up with questions. I'm having problems with the logic and presuppositions drawn to reach the conclusions.

Debunking Christianity: Proving That Prayer is Superstition