Friday, March 25, 2011

'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Compares Women Asking for Equal Pay to Children Demanding Candy - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

I think Comics Alliance is a great site! Its not just about comics and movies - it is socially relevant and responsible. Take this post. Laura Hudson writes a great opinion post about the truly idiotic thoughts expressed by Scott Adams that equate the social injustices of women with those men "suffer" from and then proceeds to basically tell women to suck it up since there is nothing we can do about it. I truly suggest reading her whole article but here is the quote from Scott Adams that touched this off.

The reality is that women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It's just easier this way for everyone. You don't argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn't eat candy for dinner. You don't punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don't argue when a women tells you she's only making 80 cents to your dollar. It's the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles. -Scott Adams

Ladies and gentlemen, it truly is a strange world.

'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Compares Women Asking for Equal Pay to Children Demanding Candy - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
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Recently Iron Sharpens Iron replayed the interview with Pastor Clenard Howard Childress, Jr regarding the connection between black genocide and abortion. It's not easy to listen to but definitely worth it. We can't ignore the implications for Margaret Sanger's legacy or her motivations.

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Fallacy Friday: The Straw Man - Apologetics 315

Matthew Flannagan and Brian Auten have again teamed up to deliver more great information. This time Flannagan defines the "Straw Man" fallacy.

Fallacy Friday: The Straw Man - Apologetics 315
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Faithful Thinkers: Video: Was Jesus Just A Man?

Here is another video where Alex McFarland answers a major theological question in a minute. This time the question is: Was Jesus just a man? In a word: "No." But here is McFarland's answer.

Faithful Thinkers: Video: Was Jesus Just A Man?
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Recording of this Tuesday’s Debate on Faith, Evidence, Atheism, Rob Bell, and Hell | Athanatos Christian Apologetics Ministry

Here is an interesting Debate from last Tuesday. The technology is interesting. The entire audio meeting plus a transcript of the online chat. Topic: Do Christians Believe Despite the Evidence? What about atheists?

Recording of this Tuesday’s Debate on Faith, Evidence, Atheism, Rob Bell, and Hell | Athanatos Christian Apologetics Ministry
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Iron Sharpens Iron: Jim Harrison: God, the Gospel & Glenn Beck (Encore Presentation)

Recently, Iron Sharpens Iron rebroadcasted an interview with Jim Harrison regarding the rally Glen Beck ran a few months ago. Harrison brought out the following points and they are very important:

I. Statement #1: Neither Liberal Nor Conservative Nor Libertarian, Nor any other Political Label you wish to offer is Equal to Christianity.

II. Statement #2: “God Talk” is Not Necessarily “Good Talk”.

III. Statement #3: The Gospel is Non-negotiable (Garlow article; The “Black Robed Regiment”).

IV. Statement #4: We Have Lost Sight of the Real Problem and the Real Solution (Sin and the Gospel).

V. Statement #5: The Apocalyptic Vision of Contemporary Politics is an Instrument of Fear.

VI. Statement #6: When the Church Puts Its Trust in the Utopian Promise of the Political Process, It Falls Right Into Satan’s Snare.

VII. Statement #7: It is Idolatry for The American Evangelical Church to Trade the Truth of God for American Civil Religion.

Iron Sharpens Iron: Jim Harrison: God, the Gospel & Glenn Beck (Encore Presentation)
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