FacePalm of the Day #76 - Debunking Christianity: The Christian Faith Makes a Person Stupid

John Lofus posted the following quote and then commented on it.
How many people have claimed to have finally debunked God? Way too many, This has been going on for centuries and someone is always popping up claiming to “Finally debunk God,

If God wasn’t real then why did it take over 2000 years to “Finally Debunk” Christianity? I call this “The Finally Debunk Crew”

The reason dimwit, is because Christianity is like a chameleon, ever changing in response to its culture, our criticisms, and science. The Christianities of yesteryear have been debunked. That's why you hold to the one you do today. And your type of Christianity will be replaced slowly into the future as well.
I wonder if a person makes a poor argument, does that equate to that person being "dimwit"? If that is the case, then what does that say about Loftus himself whom routinely makes poor arguments. This is a case in point: who says that Biblical Christianity has been "debunked at any time? And what exactly has been proven wrong? How does Loftus prove this "evolution" of theology? He can't. No one can. If he's referring to the Gnostics and other fringe groups it's not a good analogy. They can't be substantiated in the Bible.  If they can't be substantiated in the Bible refuting them is not just easy but also does not refute Christianity.

Debunking Christianity: The Christian Faith Makes a Person Stupid
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Biblical Studies and Technological Tools: MySword Bible App for Android

I'm always looking for good Bible Apps for Android and this article has a lot of good background on the MySword Bible App.

Biblical Studies and Technological Tools: MySword Bible App for Android
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PSN, Bin Laden, and the Impact of One - Sessler's Soapbox - G4tv.com

Adam Sessler at TGS 07Image via WikipediaI really like Adam Sessler. I really enjoy his comments on culture, movies, and video games. Given the many events of the past week I couldn't pass up the chance to hear his opinion.

PSN, Bin Laden, and the Impact of One - Sessler's Soapbox - G4tv.com
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