Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Black Spider-Man is a Reality

I've always been a Spider-Man fan. ALWAYS. When I was a young child, I wanted to be Spider-Man. The fact that Spider-Man was white didn't bother me (still doesn't). The character transcends race. Andrew Garfield, who will play Spider-Man in the next film, captured why the character is important to me even now in his speech at Comic Con 2011. In Ultimate Fallout #4, released today, a new Spider-man is introduced. It's not Peter Parker. He is Mile Morales who is half black and half Latino in a parallel universe to a comic book universewe usually read in the main Spider-man titles. Miles picks up for Peter after Peter died last June in the Ultimate Universe.

This move answers the question brought up last year when people suggested Donald Glover to be cast as Spider-Man/Peter Parker: "Why can't Spider-Man be black?" I like the way this is being handled because we get to keep Peter Parker and yet explore the Spider-Man character in a direction I never thought would happen. My son will look at Spider-Man in a total different way than I have.

Andrew Garfield Might Have Gotten the ‘Spider-Man’ Movie, but Donald Glover Influenced the New Half-Black, Half-Latino Spidey in the Comics | Crushable

New Ultimate Spider-Man is Half-black, Half-latino!

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Rape in the Hebrew Bible | Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old Testament

Dr Claude Mariottini has pointed out a book by Susanne Scholz called Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010) . I find that this subject is often brought up as an objection against God and Christianity as if the Bible condones and prescribes rape as acceptable behavior. Scholz does a better job it seems in how she studies the object and has a very good goal.

Scholz’s goal “is to provide readings of biblical rape texts that endorse a hermeneutics of meanings and present the Hebrew Bible as a ‘sacred witness’ to rape in the lives of women, children, and men” (p. 23).
This sounds like a great reference book for everyone!

Rape in the Hebrew Bible | Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old Testament
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Audio Resources by Tim McGrew - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten has posted some great audios featuring Dr Tim McGrew. Follow the link to hear them!

Audio Resources by Tim McGrew - Apologetics 315

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