Flashback: The Internet in 1995 on MTV News [Video]

Here is something funny! Remember what you knew about the Internet in 1995? Things have surely changed!!

Flashback: The Internet in 1995 on MTV News [Video]
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Ad Asks: "Have You Ever Had Sex With Rick Perry?" - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

I have never seen a political ad like this one. I mean how? It amazes me because there people who say that what you do in your bedroom between consenting adults is no one's business. This poster seems to point to that deep down we all know that it does matter. The poster asks what kind morals do we want our President to live?

Ad Asks: "Have You Ever Had Sex With Rick Perry?" - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob
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