Sunday, September 11, 2011

Calvinistic Cartoons: Calvinists - You Should Love This!

Eddie Eddings posted a link to an article discussing the question about whether or not God has the power to save everyone or is it God's purpose to save everyone? The article has the following video from Dr RC Sproul

Calvinistic Cartoons: Calvinists - You Should Love This!
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What Are You Groping For?

Today I had the honor of preaching today at my church. I have posted the powerpoint slide I used below, followed by my notes .

What Are You Groping For

Faithful Thinkers: Video: God is Not The Source of Evil

This is real interesting video, Luke Nix brought to my attention. It's Dr Norman Geisler answering the question about where evil comes from.

I do not agree completely, but I've got to admit Geisler's and Ankerberg's answer does fit what a lot of people believe. The problem is that I don't think the Bible supports the answer. I think what it comes down is that God has allowed things to happen, things that we don't like and things that are also against his character, however God allowed it for reasons that are not clear to us now. Loving God means trusting Him even when we don't understand what he is doing now.

Faithful Thinkers: Video: God is Not The Source of Evil
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Divine Commands Post 9/11 | MandM

Matthew Flannagan has written a great article about September 11, 2001. It's interesting to read a point of view of someone not from America and from someone like Dr Flannagan who regularly converses about philosophy and Divine Command Theory. Read the article at the following link.

Divine Commands Post 9/11 | MandM
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Animators Help Families Retell the Stories of Loved Ones Lost in 9/11 - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

Comics Alliance has posted an interesting article about Storycorps.

StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Since 2003, StoryCorps has collected and archived more than 30,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD to share, and is preserved at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. StoryCorps is one of the largest oral history projects of its kind, and millions listen to our weekly broadcasts on NPR’s Morning Edition and on our Listen pages.

StoryCorps has taken some of those stories and animated them. Comics Alliance has posted 3 of them and I will post 2 of them here. You can see many of them on YouTube.

When Richie Pecorella met Karen Juday, she captured his heart and changed his life. They were engaged and living together in Brooklyn when Karen was killed in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, where she worked as an administrative assistant. Here, Richie remembers Karen, his love and inspiration.

Directed by: The Rauch Brothers
Art Direction: The Rauch Brothers & Bill Wray
Animation: Tim Rauch
Producers: Mike Rauch, Lizzie Jacobs & Isaac Kestenbaum

On the morning of September 11th, Michael Trinidad called his ex-wife, Monique Ferrer, from the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center's North Tower to say goodbye. In the wake of his death, Monique tells the story of Michael's lasting legacy—the family they built together.

Directed by: The Rauch Brothers
Art Direction: Bill Wray
Producers: Lizzie Jacobs & Mike Rauch
Animation: Tim Rauch
Audio Produced by: Michael Garofalo

Animators Help Families Retell the Stories of Loved Ones Lost in 9/11 - ComicsAlliance | Comic book culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
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I'm Glad We Didn't Have Facebook or Twitter on 9/11 - Technology - GOOD

Coord Jefferson has posted a great article about why he's glad the was no Facebook or Twitter 10 years ago. I think he makes some valid points. He wrote:

That’s the real problem with attempting to make sense of 9/11 using social media: The former requires deep thought while the latter feeds on immediacy. Ten years and millions of articles after 9/11, we’re still trying to come to terms with what happened that day. We’re still sifting through the debris and our collective emotions in order to find whatever it is we lost, or to explain why things are the way they are now. I have a hard time believing 9/11 tweets or Facebook updates would have changed any of that for the better. And by now they’d be forgotten anyway, buried under 10 years of more shouting into the abyss.

Check out the whole article.

I'm Glad We Didn't Have Facebook or Twitter on 9/11 - Technology - GOOD
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