Friday, September 30, 2011

FacePalm of the Day #128: Debunking Christianity: On Making A Rational Choice About Religion

John Loftus has posted the following meandering. My annotations are  in red. 

Let's say you were shopping for the best car made. Your father brought you up as a die-hard Chevy lover but now you want to seriously find which car is the best one out there. How would you go about doing it? What are the criteria for what is to be considered the best car? There would be objective criteria but there would also be subjective person-related criteria. Are there any similarities here with choosing the best religion? Dissimilarities? Is choosing the best car analogous to how people search for the one true religion? In what ways? Which religions and sects within them would you seriously consider? Why not consider them all?

I agree that it's important to consider them all that you can. You should have  reasons why you are not Baptist, or Catholic or Muslim or Mormon or what have you. That is not enough. You should know why you have embraced the worldview you have embraced. I don't know why Loftus thinks that only Atheists thinks about such things. Grant it considering such issues does not mean that you will come up with correct answers. Loftus is a good example of that. No one can do it on their own. It takes God.

Then consider whether everyone could agree on which car is the best car made. Of course they couldn't, even with some agreed upon objective criteria. But let's say everyone who makes the wrong car choice will be cast into hell for an eternity? ;-) Sound unfair? Sure it does. Then why isn't it unfair when it comes to choosing the best religion? Have fun with this.

There is a big difference to choosing the best car and choosing to serve and follow the right God. The analogy really breaks down here.  A better analogy is choosing a Spouse. The stakes are way higher than choosing a car and it deals with relationship. You can't have a relationship with a car like a person. If the Christianity you experienced was just a relationship and you treated like a car you test drove and kicked the tires, you did it wrong. It's not what you do or what you know, it's about who you know - Jesus Christ.

Debunking Christianity: On Making A Rational Choice About Religion

Herman Cain Tries To Win Over Black People By Insulting Their Intelligence - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

Here are two articles about Herman Cain. He wants to be President. I don't think I want him. Danielle Belton points out something really important.

You know? I'll never get this tactic that is, in my opinion, overused by black conservatives to get their fellow Negroes to cross over to the GOP side. I call it the "All black people are stupid but me" tactic. Which is, by far, the worst tactic to use. Herman Cain, presidential wannabe and Godfather pizza man, recently went on CNN and said the Democrats have "brainwashed" black people into not seeing conservatism and the Republican Party as viable political options. Which ... OMG? Really? That old lie that pretends like the 1960s and 70s never happened? But then, maybe Cain wasn't trying to win over any black people to the GOP with that statement. Maybe that was really about making white conservatives feel better since the GOP is routinely accused of harboring, defending and protecting bigots within their own party, rather than running them out of town.
Cain has definitely not won me over.

Herman Cain Tries To Win Over Black People By Insulting Their Intelligence - The Snob Blog - Danielle Belton's The Black Snob

Check out Rippa's article also over at Herman Cain: African Americans are “Brainwashed.” And “Not Open-Minded”