Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Confident Christianity: Did Muhammad Believe In Women's Rights?

Mary Jo Sharp was recently interviewed on the Bible Answer Man regarding an article she wrote for the Christian Research Journal Follow the link to hear it. Its in regards to what Muhammad believed and taught about Women's rights.

Confident Christianity: Did Muhammad Believe In Women's Rights?
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Answering Muslims: Shia vs. Sunni Jihad Comes to Washington

Here is another post from David Wood that should be looked at. Here is the video he posted and read the article at the link below.

Answering Muslims: Shia vs. Sunni Jihad Comes to Washington
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Neil deGrasse Tyson at the Beyond Belief Conference, 2006

Tyson at the NASA Advisory Council in Washingt...                             Image via WikipediaI like Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson. He is a great astrophysicist and is great at communicating science, history, and philosophy. I don't agree with him on everything but I enjoy listening to him. In 2006, he gave the following speech at the Beyond Belief Conference which was attended by the likes of Dr Sam Harris, Dr Lawrence Krauss, Dr Michael Shermer, and Dr Richard Dawkins.

In the speech he describes his feeling that being religious is science stopper. He says that "revelation stops inspiration." I disagree. No doubt that Tyson is correct about Newton's brilliance. But intelligent design is not just to be invoked for when we reach our limits. In my opinion, those pioneers of western science would be the first to credit God for the stroke of insight that allowed them to make their discoveries. Intelligent Design is not meant to make you stop looking into understanding that design. I don't think Newton's religiosity at all undermined Newton. It inspired him.  I think the reason he didn't go farther because God didn't give it to him. God gave it to his successors. Thankfully, Dr Tyson does not go as far as Dawkins does underestimating and undervaluing people who believe in God.

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Apologist Interview: John Warwick Montgomery - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten did an awesome interview with John Warwick Montgomery! I leaned a lot listening to it. I think he made a great valid point that many Christians spend too much time trying to prove the existence of God rather than focusing on Jesus. I think many people think you need to prove the existence of God before bringing people to Christ. I think Montgomery makes a few good counter points. He has a point because I think many people try to use it as a smokescreen so that they don't have to think about their sin and the need for a savior because there is no judge (in their mind).  I also found I disagreed with Montgomery's view of presupposition. A born-again person does not see the world like the unbeliever. He/she will have vastly presuppositions and viewpoints that must be bridged before the unbeliever can see clearly enough to evaluate evidence.

Apologist Interview: John Warwick Montgomery - Apologetics 315
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Bring it: Did Paul make up Christian Theology with nothing pointing to it in the New Testament?

A lot of people do not think its correct to use the Bible to discuss Christian concepts and theology. I disagree. So I've decided to create a series of blog posts to give skeptics and atheists an opportunity to make their best case against key Biblical concepts. If you decide to take me up on my challenge, be prepared to defend your position because I will respond. I believe the Bible is true because it stand up to scrutiny and challenge. So go ahead and take your best shot.

For this first post let us deal with something fundamental:  Did Paul make up Christian Theology with nothing pointing to it in the New Testament?

Feel free to defend or attack the theology in the comments. Use science. Use the Bible. Use philosophy. Use History. Use whatever evidence you think is relevant to proving your point. 

Bring it.
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