Thursday, November 3, 2011

J.P. Moreland on the Christian Worldview - Apologetics 315

J.P. MorelandImage via WikipediaBrian Auten has posted this great video of JP Moreland. I enjoyed the interview. I agree most of what he says. The one thing I disagree with is that the fires of hell are metaphorical because there is no reason to assume that the fire described in the Bible must all give light. The important point he made must be true - the torment of being in hell comes form being separated from God. I would also say that the working and testimony of the Holy Spirit is the best proof for Christianity. I also loved the way Dr Moreland explained why he believes that the human soul and body are distinct. He really seems to live what he says he believes.

J.P. Moreland on the Christian Worldview - Apologetics 315
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It's the Inequality, Stupid | Mother Jones

Here is a series of infographics showing the current gap between the super rich and the rest of the population. Click the link to see them all

It's the Inequality, Stupid | Mother Jones
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Infographic: Marijuana Goes Mainstream - Health - GOOD

Here is an interesting infographic showing how American attitudes towards marijuana have changed.

Infographic: Marijuana Goes Mainstream - Health - GOOD
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