Saturday, December 10, 2011

Draculatheism - National Messianic Jewish |

Mariano Grinbank has written a great post pointing out how the 1992 movie Bram Stoker's Dracula is a good metaphor for atheism. Take a look:

Draculatheism - National Messianic Jewish |
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He Lives: Bad to Worse

I really enjoy Dr David Heddle's blog. In this post he takes both Dr Richard Carrier and John Loftus to task.

I see why such thoughts as Loftus' are "free." Carrier and Loftus are among your best and brightest? Sucks to be you.

Read the post at the link to see why he would write that.

He Lives: Bad to Worse
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The Top 7 Things You Can't Do as a Moral Relativist - Apologetics 315

About half a week ago, Brian Auten posted a great article pointing to what moral relativism is. He summarizes 7 things that a Moral Relativist can't do and be consistent. Here is a list.

Things You Can't Do as a Moral Relativist:
  1. Relativists Can’t Accuse Others of Wrong-Doing
  2. Relativists Can’t Complain About the Problem of Evil
  3. Relativists Can’t Place Blame or Accept Praise
  4. Relativists Can’t Claim Anything Is Unfair or Unjust
  5. Relativists Can’t Improve Their Morality
  6. Relativists Can’t Hold Meaningful Moral Discussions
  7. Relativists Can’t Promote the Obligation of Tolerance
Bonus #8: Stephen Meyer, in the TrueU video series (which is excellent for group study), lists a couple more. Edit: Meyer's number 8 is: Relativists can’t complain about the problem of evil. But his number 2 is: The relativist can't complain about being mistreated.

As an added bonus, Brian even adds links to further resources. The really interesting thing about this list is that moral relativist still do it anyway and most miss the inconsistency in their own position. Follow the link to read Brian's article.

The Top 7 Things You Can't Do as a Moral Relativist - Apologetics 315
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