Wednesday, December 21, 2011

THE APOLOGETIC FRONT: Debate on "hell" now available!

Mike Felker posted the following on his blog

From the Theopologetics Blog

The Theopologetics Podcast is now available! Debate topic: "The punishment of the damned will actually be torment forever and ever." Hiram Diaz, creator of the Involuted Speculations blog and contributor at Grassroots Apologetics, affirms. Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics Podcast, denies. Moderated by Mike Felker of The Apologetic Front.

Important stuff! I hope everyone listens to it because "hell" is one of the emotional reasons masquerading as logic people use to deny God.

THE APOLOGETIC FRONT: Debate on "hell" now available!
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Internet Fandom By The Numbers [Infographic]

Proof that the world really is going to hell in a handbasket!

Twilight and Harry Potter have more fans on the Internet than Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars! Something wrong with that, people!

Internet Fandom By The Numbers [Infographic]
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