Monday, December 26, 2011

Faceplant of the Day - Confusing Body Parts With Value of Religion

So how does the picture below perfectly illustrate what a faceplant looks like?  Comparing religion to a penis is really sad especially tying it to the way  some men misuse that part of their body to abuse others. Here is one of the issues that really make the comparison stupid: does the fact that women don't have penises mean that they can't have a religion or be proud of  their religion? Obviously they can. Also men who would misuse their bodies to abuse others do so for their own gratification. If someone shares their religion with you for their own gratification, they are doing it wrong.

Atheism and Rape - YouTube

Mariano Grinbank has posted a video trilogy about what various atheists and otherwise evolutionists have to say about rape, morality, etc. I think that the subject, while uncomfortable, is vitally important. Many atheists do and everyone should deplore rape and not do it. That's not the issue. The problem comes from the idea that there are some morons who still choose to rape others and society should catch these people, punish them, and protect the rest of society from them. I think most people [normal] agree that this must be done but how do you substantiate the right to do it? Why is rape wrong if there is no standard? The truth is that the way people try to answer questions like these without God not only surprises me but disgusts me. Watch the video playlist, but prepare to see a lot of fail.

Atheism and Rape - YouTube
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the a-atheism blog: Christopher Hitchens & Stagecoach Humiliate Richard Dawkins

Christopher Hitchens
Image via Wikipedia
I've been looking and exploring the much material that has been posted about Christopher Hitchens upon his passing and I think thank at the article I've linked to this post deserves much attention. It underscores many differences between Christopher Hitchens and Dr Richard Dawkins. The other thing that appears in this article is a post to a video of Dr William Lane Craig commenting on Hitchens. I think that the fact that people disagreed with Hitchens yet respected him and they him says a lot about the man - much good things. The important thing to remember is that Hitchens has gone to where he belongs and one day we will all go to where we belong - with God or apart from God. Personally I want to be with God.

the a-atheism blog: Christopher Hitchens & Stagecoach Humiliate Richard Dawkins
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Faithful Thinkers: Cartoons, Animal Death, and Theology

What does one of the Looney Tunes episodes tell us about "the challenge of so much animal death in God's creation"? How does this affect theology regarding death before sin? Quite a bit. Just read Luke Nix'as article!

Faithful Thinkers: Cartoons, Animal Death, and Theology
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