Thursday, February 9, 2012

Answering Muslims: Sheikh Nasser al-Omar Calls for Execution of Hamza Kashgari for "Shameful" Comments about Muhammad on Twitter

Religious people should not seek the death of  those who disagree with them or look to silence them. If you have the truth, what do you have to be concerned with just because someone thinks you are wrong? I think its a lack of confidence in your own position that leads to the desire to silence others.

Answering Muslims: Sheikh Nasser al-Omar Calls for Execution of Hamza Kashgari for "Shameful" Comments about Muhammad on Twitter
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Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The Utter Nonsense of the Clarity of Scripture?

James Swan has written a post which applies not to Roman Catholics who reject "Sola Scriptura" but anyone who claims that the Bible is not clear enough to be a standard upon which we will be judged by what we be believe and act accordingly. He quotes Matthew 22:23-32 and then writes:

The Lord Jesus clearly held these men responsible for knowing and understanding the Scriptures. Were the Sadducees supposed to respond, "How could we? We did not think the Bible was clear and we all disagree about what it says!"

Who should one trust? Those who attack the Bible in the name of Rome or Jesus? This person says the Bible isn't clear and to think it is is "utter nonsense." Jesus says "have you not read what God said to you" and holds those hearing him responsible for what they read. Think about it.
I agree. So the question becomes why don't we all agree on what Scripture says? Because we don't all want to do what it says.

Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: The Utter Nonsense of the Clarity of Scripture?
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Answering Muslims: UK Muslims Challenge Law against Marrying Child Brides

David Wood posted the following video regarding protests in Britain to allow grown men marry children! He wrote:

Muhammad had sex with Aisha before she reached puberty, when she was only nine years old. The Qur'an allows men to have sex with prepubescent girls. Not surprisingly, many Muslims are dissatisfied with Western laws that protect young girls.

I know what you are thinking: Surly not any breathing and sane person would think it's okay to marry prepubescent girls! well watch the video David points to:

And then read the video description:

Muslim men cannot even kiss their own wives in public without invoking hostility from the law. That is, if they are even allowed to bring their own wives with them into the country, and the UK government recognises their marriage. The British government would have us believe that a child's consent doesn't matter, and presumes to intervene in private acts within marriages rightfully bestowed on couples by Allah himself.

So why not define "marriage" the way these particular Muslims think it should be defined, while we are at redefining "marriage" anyway? Deep down we all know why we should not.

Answering Muslims: UK Muslims Challenge Law against Marrying Child Brides
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