Sunday, April 29, 2012

Say Hello to my Little Friend » Blog Archiv » Does Richard Carrier Exist?

So what if someone applied Dr Richard Carrier's arguments against Jesus' existence to disproving Carrier's own existence? With an assist from Dr Tim McGrew, Glenn (from the "Say Hello to my Little Friend" podcast and blog) takes a look at if Carrier's arguments could be shown to disprove the existence of Carrier himself and is falsified because Carrier exists. You can read the article at the following link.

Say Hello to my Little Friend » Blog Archiv » Does Richard Carrier Exist?

Answering Muslims: Where Did Jesus Say, "I Am God, Worship Me"? #2

Samuel Green offers a short rebuttal to the often used polemic many Muslims and anti-Trinitarians raise against Christianity: "Jesus never said 'I am God, Worship me!'" Green writes

What is it that ultimately gets him crucified? It is his claim to be the divine man of Daniel 7 who is to be worshipped. The Jewish leaders again understand exactly what he is saying and call it blasphemy. So Jesus actually does say, "I am God worship me"; he just uses the language of the prophets to say it.

If we want to understand Jesus we must learn his language. I am not saying we must learn Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek, though that is an excellent thing to do. Instead I am saying that we must know the titles, the concepts and expectations of the prophets who were before Jesus, because it is with these words that Jesus speaks and invites us to understand him.
 Read the whole post at the following link.

Answering Muslims: Where Did Jesus Say, "I Am God, Worship Me"? #2