Sunday, August 12, 2012

UPdate: A Reply to "So You Still Think Homosexuality is Sinful"

I saw the following graphic on Facebook and I think that it not only explains the standard arguments against homosexual lifestyle on Biblical grounds. The following link is a great essay to explain why the Bible should not be ignored. Take a look at the link.

A Reply to "So You Still Think Homosexuality is Sinful"


Dr  James White has weighed in on the graphic on his Dividing Line webcast August 16, 2012.

Covered a bunch of stuff, starting off examining this really bad pro-homosexual argument, discussed a little about the LGBT terrorist in Washington, D.C., and then discussed the appearance of non-Trinitarian singing group PC&D at a local church (Scottsdale Bible Church) and the very odd response from the "Worship and Creative Arts Pastor" of the church. Then we moved back to examining Paul Williams' comments and, quite honestly, abuse of the biblical text, in the recent debate in London. Here's the program

A Wide Ranging Dividing Line Today