Update #2 - Licona & Martin: Did Jesus Believe He Was Divine? - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten has posted a debate between Dr Michael Licona and Dr Dale Martin regarding whether or not Jesus considered himself divine. I agree with Dr Licona that Jesus taught that he was divine and that his followers knew he was too. The deity of Christ is an important point and a defining part of Christianity. Christianity itself revolves around who Jesus is and what he did and what he taught. Without Jesus, there is no Christianity. I am amazed that Dr Martin can claim to believe in the essential doctrines of Christianity yet reject the Bible as foundational for those beliefs.

Licona & Martin: Did Jesus Believe He Was Divine? - Apologetics 315

Update: Dr James White has reviewed the debate on the past two episodes of his webcast.. He wrote

...as there is so much that could be observed, but instead stuck to our review of the Licona/Martin dialogue on whether Jesus recognized His own deity. I think this is an important exercise in examining the presuppositions of what is truly "worldly wisdom." 

Listen to the webcast at the following links:

Yesterday on the Dividing Line

Continuation of Licona/Martin Dialogue on the Deity of Jesus on Today's DL

Today on a Special Friday Morning Dividing Line
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Michael Licona vs. Dale Martin: Did Jesus Physically Rise From the Dead? - Apologetics 315

Recently Brian Auten posted Dr Michael Licona's debate with Dr Dale Martin on the whether or not Jesus was physically raised from dead or does the Resurrection mean something else. It was really interesting. I think it strange that someone can claim to be a Christian and re-interpret the New Testament such that Jesus' Resurrection was not physical. This  was Dale Martin's position, but I don''t agree. I think Dr Licona did a good job in dialoguing with him. But I don't think any of the first or second generation of Christians who were following Jesus would have understood the Resurrection the way he does.

Michael Licona vs. Dale Martin: Did Jesus Physically Rise From the Dead? - Apologetics 315