Calvinistic Cartoons: Provoking Thought

Eddie Eddings has posted a provoking short essay by John W. Robbins called "The Virtue of Name-Calling". A real interesting posts!

Calvinistic Cartoons: Provoking Thought
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Birth of a Meme: McKayla Maroney And President Obama Aren't Impressed By

Today I came across the image above. Given that  McKayla Maroney's being caught on camera making this face after she narrowly lost gold at the Olympics, I'm amazed that there has been very little backlash for  her. She has become more famous for it than vilified for unsporting  behavior. I mean shouldn't she be grateful? But maybe given her age and the circumstances people are willing to let her slide. I know I'm not really upset by that, and the memes it has generated have been priceless. It was a good idea for the Obama administration to capitalize on her fame.

10 Things That McKayla Maroney And President Obama Aren't Impressed By

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was one of the most brilliant scientists and engineers ever! Check this out!

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla
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