Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Argument from Reason - YouTube

David Wood has posted the following video in which he skewered Naturalism. You have to see this. He makes really great points and on top of that David Wood asks a good question: If there is no after-life, what happens when you commit intellectual suicide? And why would you expect reliable reason if human rationality is a product of random mutation which is also responsible for monochromatic monkey butts? The video is not just informative but also humorous. Go ahead and watch it!

The Argument from Reason - YouTube
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Answering Muslims: Ravi Zacharias Speaks with a Founder of Hamas

Dr Zacharias recounts the opportunity he had in which he spoke to one of the leaders of Hamas. I am amazed that he was able to shortly and completely describe the only way we will only have peace in the Middle East. Listen to's like the light shining Jesus referred to in his ministry. God has raised up people to specifically speak to specific people. This is a good example.

Answering Muslims: Ravi Zacharias Speaks with a Founder of Hamas
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Apologist Interview: Douglas Jacoby - Apologetics 315

Brian Auten recently posted an interview with Douglas Jacoby. You can check it out on Apologetics 315.

Apologist Interview: Douglas Jacoby - Apologetics 315