Friday, December 7, 2012

Peter Singer on Human Dignity and Infanticide: Part One | MandM

English: Peter Albert David Singer at The Coll...
English: Peter Albert David Singer at The College of New Jersey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dr Matthew Flannagan has posted the first part of an paper critiquing the philosophy of Dr Peter Singer.
Christian theism has traditionally taught that human beings have equal dignity and worth, a moral status that separates them from non-human animals. Peter Singer has famously rejected this teaching, holding that human beings are not any more special than animals and doctrines of human dignity are indefensible.  He contends that killing a new-born infant is, in and of itself, no more problematic than killing a non-human animal such as a cow or a pig and defends the permissibly of infanticide under certain conditions
Peter Singer is the poster child of an atheist who advocates terrible moral values that come from an abandonment of Godly moral principles. Answering minds like Singer's is very important. 

Peter Singer on Human Dignity and Infanticide: Part One | MandM
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