Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pope Francis to forgive Twitter followers' sins online | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews | News.com.au

Okay...just when I thought I had heard all of the craziest things possible, I come across a story like this one! I hope that this is just a rumor, but there is a story that Pope Francis will be giving 'plenary indulgences' to his Twitter followers!? On Biblical grounds, I reject the very idea of indulgences because when Jesus died on the cross he took away the sins of everyone who believes in him - turning away the wrath of God from His people. Jesus is our propitiation. If Jesus is our propitiation then why would the righteous need to suffer for their sins in purgatory? We don't. There is no Biblical basis for purgatory. It just galls me that so many folks may be deceived.

Pope Francis to forgive Twitter followers' sins online | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews | News.com.au

Navigraphic Shows Us How Close We Are To Technology From Star Trek

Here is an interactive website exploring how close we are to the technology imagined on Star Trek.
Here is the experience

Star Trek Science Fiction & Science Fact Navigraphic by musicMagpie


Here is a video

Navigraphic Shows Us How Close We Are To Technology From Star Trek