Saturday, January 27, 2018

2017 Pastor Gino Jennings & Minister Smith Debate TRINITY 2017

This Debate with Smith and Gino Jennings shows us what happens when your pastor tell you not to go somewhere and you go anyway. Smith went on his own without his Church's blessing and he lost badly. Not because Jennings is right to reject the Trinity, but because Smith was not prepared.

DEBUNKING a FAMOUS "Hebrew Israelite" Meme (Jews left black, returned wh...

Below is a video refuting the meme on the left that tries to argue that the white Jews are not real Jews.  Not true. It's a good video

Apostle Gino Jennings vs. Minister Reginald Young (Trinity & Baptism deb...

From 1994,  there was a much better debate on the trinity vs oneness doctrine on the nature of God with Gino Jennings than the one I posted earlier.  Pastor Reginald Young was so much better. I wish the debate was much more scholarly but it is worth seeing.

Pastor defends Trump amid affair allegations


I am surprised Franklin Graham has such blind spots

Was Reincarnation Deleted From The Bible?

Above is a video with serious problem. The presupposition is that at best the Biblical texts that we have have been edited or at worst whole books have been left out. I totally disagree. The thought that there is edited and redacted versions of the 66 books that now make up the Bible is borne out of not knowing or understanding how the Bible has been transmitted and translated through time. I'd suggest reading The King James Only Controversy by James R White as a start. As for the apocryphal Old and New Testament texts, we know that they are forgeries and often conflict with the cannon that we do have.  For those who think that this point is not important, please pray-tell, what you think is a contradiction in the 66 books? Good luck with finding one. There aren't any.  Are there discrepancies between books that cannot easily be understood from a surface level? Yes. But they don't equal contradictions with history, facts, or logic. Disagree? Go ahead and cite some things you think are issues and we can  examine them.  A good rule of thumb to see if an ancient manuscript should be considered scripture is to see if it fits the criteria:

 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, - 2 Timothy 3:16

Every one of the 66 books in the cannon fit in these criteria.

It's a Lonely Christian Life | My story of Division and Separation withi...

Above is a video from a channel from someone who clearly used to be a Christian and is now an Atheist. I think that this video is important because he points out some true points. If you judge others' sanctity by how much they know or understand about theology, doctrine, or history you will invariably be in the position of being lonely just like the video suggests. If you judge yourself in any way by any metric you will find yourself in this horrible place. This isn't a problem with being a Christian or following the Bible. It's a problem with pride and stupidity of people. If you find out that your Christian life looks like this, you must realize: YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!! You are not looking at other people the way God wants you to look at other people. For example

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. - Philippians 2:3

This means that God does not want you to think of anyone as being better than other people for any reason.