Sunday, November 24, 2019

Does This Make Me Look Racist?

Today, when it comes to race relations in America things are much worse than I think it used to be, especially in the Christian church. I think that there is just a disconnect between black Christians and white Christians. I see that many white Christians become really sensitive when we we black Christians bring up racism and slavery and then both sides begin throwing around accusations of racism against the other. I think that's unfair. Not all claiming to be white Evangelical Christians are racist and want to bring all non-white people to heel with a right foot on their necks. Some do. But not all. I think the current Twitter/YouTube threads I have been following are problematic because we are not making a distinction between the people who are trying to follow Christ and those who are racist.

This post is with regard to three theologians who have found themselves on opposing sides regarding
President Trump and racism in American Society and in the Church. Bishop Talbert Wesley Swan II, Dr. James White, and Dr. Michael L Brown have been in controversy for the past week. These three men are worthy of respect and have a few things in common. I believe each one truly loves Jesus and the Church. All three have degrees and years of study. All three serve in churches. They each have a podcast/radio show in which they discuss Bible and social issues.  But they disagree about racism and who is being racist. I am going to attempt to follow a time-line so we can see what happened.

I first heard about this current round of controversy from Dr Jame White on his Dividing Line broadcast from November 21, 2019. He accused Bishop Swan of  being a black racist to Dr Michael Brown. I was confused. I felt that Dr White was dismissive and not respectful of  Swan at all. But the truth is I have followed both White and Dr Brown for years and I know the kind of men they are. Dr Brown is worthy of respect. Anyone who has spent any time listening him have to know he ain't racist. However when I looked up Talbert I found a lot in common between myself, Swan, and Dr Brown. Swan is a Bishop in the same denomination I am in, Church of God in Christ, and like us Dr Brown is Pentecostal. We agree that abortion on-demand is wrong.  The Bible is inerrant. Homosexuality is not God's best for anyone. And James White would agree with all those statements as well. What happened? If you look at what James White says in the following video, I think you can see the problem: Swan posted a Tweet that Brown responded to in good faith, but instead of a helpful dialogue it degenerated to Swan and his supporters to stop listening to Brown and instead there is more name-calling.

This started with Talbert seemingly saying that all white evangelical Christians are racists and bigotted and this was why they overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump and voted for him despite all the moral failing we can point to. Dr. Michael Brown pushed backed on that a little. He wrote an article a bout why it's wrong to equate all white Christians with white supremacy. You can read the article for yourself: The Religion of White Supremacy? In it, I notice that Dr Brown does not deny that racism against black and brown people is a problem in the church and in society. He merely points out that it's racist to think all white people are racist just because they are white. I agree with him,

To call this the religion of white supremacy rather than Christianity is to make a bigoted and biased remark.

The problem is that I think they are talking past each other because if you listen to what Talbert and most Black christians are saying about social justice, not all are trying to say that all white people are racist and need to be held accountable and punished for being racist. No, we are talking about how all American institutions are tainted by racism and bigotry and negatively affect people today inside and outside of our churches. We want justice and the system fixed because that is what God says He wants us to be working towards.

To be fair to Dr Michael Brown, I do not know how anyone can listen to him and come away think that he's racist just because he points out that he and many white Christians he knows are not racist, while he does not deny that are institutions are racists. What more could we ask of him? He is on public record working for social justice and spreading the Gospel the way God has defined them in scripture.

I think that Swan is getting the short end. Dr James White does not seem to spend much time on him outside of reading his Wikipedia page but Dr Brown did look him up and realized that they were in agreement on homosexuality but Dr White dismissed Swan because he does not look like or sound like someone whom he puts stock in. This is the kind of racism that Swan and other black people be talking about and why I would say that Dr Brown is not racist. In most circumstances Dr White does try to understand other people's viewpoint. I just do not think he did that with Bishop Swan.  We should allow people to speak for themselves. Look at what Swan has taught recently on his radio program.

It should not be an issue to listen to one another. Although Dr James White is not a racist person he does not understand Black people. He doesn't even try like Dr Michael Brown does. During the Twitter exchange, Bishop Swan retweeted something Dr James White tweeted and I think it exemplifies the issue.

James White makes tweets like this and then wonders why black people are offended. He reason it's true after all so it's not racist. It presupposes that it mostly black unwed mothers having abortions of convenience and black men not stepping up to being fathers and husbands that we should be, The point is being made with no distinction that not all black people live like that - painting all black people with a broad brush. I get Bishop Swan's frustration, but calling James White "obtuse" and a "bigot" is not any more true as what White seemingly wrote about all black people. I'd argue that in context, White was not referring to all black people but is ignorant to how slavery still plays a part in messing up people's lives today and he refuses to learn about it. At least Dr Michael Brown is open to this. May be is has to do with the fact Dr Michael Brown is a Messianic Jew makes it easier to understand racism and oppression.

There is a huge disconnect. I think we are having these issues because we are either too worried about offending others and being labeled racist or not worried enough about hurting our brothers and sisters who are not the same race as we are.

I have been listening to James White for years and just like  Bishop Swan said, he thinks that all black people who speak up for social justice think that we all want abortion and gay rights and all the unBiblical stuff society is trying to push on us. This is not true.  Bishop Swan has a book he wrote chronicling how God can deliver people from Homosexuality. He is merely asking people to look at themselves and ask are they doing enough to follow what God requires for social justice - beyond just the lip service.

To be fair, I did find a tweet from Bishop Swan that gave me pause, and I think it would require more research - regarding how Bishop Swan looks at Dr James Cone work. James Cone is considered the father of Black Liberation Theology and from what I know it's antithetical to the Gospel we should be preaching and teaching.

I think I need more understanding about what Bishop Swan means, but written some things about James Cone. You can read my posts about James Cone at the following link:

FacePalm of the Day #84 - Forsaking Paul for Jesus’ Sake

#Not My Harriet: Who gets to represent black American history? | The Stream

Full disclosure: I have not yet seen the movie Harriet, starring Cynthia Erivo. However the following video asks a very relevant question: Who gets to decide who represents the African- American experiences and histories in Hollywood films and adaptations? Erivo was cast to play one of the greatest women ever born in the United States, Harriet Tubman in a movie about her life. Some people are saying that its wrong to cast non African-American actors in roles of African-American people. They argue that because she is British and Nigerian she is not qualified to play Harriet Tubman because she does not have the personal connection to American slavery that an American black actress would have. Added to the controversy some argue that Erivo disqualified herself due to her statements on Twitter and in interviews regarding African-Americans and not respecting us. I agree that not respecting the history and problems that current African-Americans are dealing with today misses the point of Harriet Tubman's life and work, but I am not certain that Erivo is guilty of such short-sightedness.  I also don't think that it's fair to say that a black actor cannot play an African-American if he/she is not African-American just like I would not say that an African-American actor/actress should not play an African. That's not because I would argue that the lives, struggles, and histories are interchangeable or non-unique,  but because of the idea of an African Diaspora that is world-wide and pervasive. Not all Africans are the same but racism, slavery, colonialism, and oppression are things visited on almost all people of African descent regardless of where you grew up and to where your ancestors were sold. To think that Harriet Tubman solely belongs to us because we live and grew up in America cheapens and diminish who she was. She was not just a hero for America, but her sacrifices and work helped people all over the world. She is a person who transcends nationality and race and should be considered a hero for all people. Such a person deserves to be portrayed by a talented actor even if that Actor is a Nigerian. Tubman herself was even likely descended from Nigerian slaves anyway.  It came full circle.  I see nothing wrong with that. Tubman belongs to Nigeria, Haiti, Brazil, America,  and anywhere that needs to be reminded that anyone can rise above their circumstances and be a blessing to everyone around them - contemporaneously and for the next couple of hundred years plus. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History's "worst" nun - Theresa A. Yugar

Here is a woman, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, everyone should know.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Star Trek: Jeri Ryan makes political history... Seven of Nine the Presid...

Here is a great video regarding how some seemingly unrelated thing can change something major like a Presidential Election.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Armoring Up for Spiritual Warfare

Armor Up 11-10-2019

More presentations from Marcus McElhaney

Armoring Up:

Armoring Up For Spiritual Warfare November 10, 2019


Introduction We are at war Alone we are Outmatched and Outgunned Fortunately, God has not left us alone God provides for all our needs Including Protection Including Weapons With these, We can’t fail.

The Gift:

The Gift 10 Finally , be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

The Gift (cont.):

The Gift (cont.) 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.


Application Experience shows that new Christians generally experience being carried by God. It’s almost like God puts the armor on you. At a certain point in your walk as you mature, you are supposed to grow to the point that you can put the armor on yourself 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:13-14

Newbie Illustration:

Newbie Illustration

Mature Illustration:

Mature Illustration

The Point:

The Point This just what I Think of to help me put all of this into perspective. The armor we get from God is from Him and not of ourselves. When we think of what this all means we got to keep in mind what Paul was thinking of. He was most likely looking at the uniform of the soldier who was guarding him while he was in prison. The armor of Roman soldier.

Roman Armor:

Roman Armor

Back to Scripture:

Back to Scripture By examining the passage verse-by-verse we can understand what the armor we are supposed to wear does. For this we are going to need a little background on what Roman armor was.

What to focus on:

What to focus on Belt – Cingulum ; keeps the weapons in place Breastplate - Lorica Feet and ankle Armor - Caligae Helmet – galea Shield - scutum Sword - gladius Battle Tactics A fully equipped legionaire had to carry 35 kg on his back in full march.

Enemy and Needs Defined v. 10-13:

Enemy and Needs Defined v. 10-13 10 Finally , be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Belt of Truth vs 14:

Belt of Truth vs 14 The Belt was called cingulum or balteus It was from the belt that sword and dagger were hung. Without it, the soldier went into battle without weapons – ineffective – a sitting duck. The truth is like that. You can’t defend yourself with lies and deceit. You have no place to hang the sword from without truth. The sword hung on the soldiers right side because the fought in close quarters and if everyone in the legion wore the sword on the right they would not injure each other on the Battlefield. Like wise, truth keeps us for injuring each other on the this spiritual battlefield.

Breastplate of Righteousness vs 14:

Breastplate of Righteousness vs 14 The breastplate protects the torso and all the vital organs such as the heart and lungs. IF any of these organs are hit, it is over for the soldier. The Lorica wasn’t a single slab of metal or a straight jacket. It had multiple plates held together by leather strips and designed to move with the soldier. Providing excellent protection from knives, swords, and arrows. We are righteous when we live God’s way in full submission and obedience. Otherwise we leave ourselves open to becoming causalities on the battlefield. The lorica warps around with straps in front and the back, not providing much protection from the back. Legionaires depended on their fellows to watch their backs and did not turn their backs to the enemy. Cut and run was not an option for these guys. Neither is it for us.

Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Vs 15:

Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Vs 15 Funny how unimportant feet seem until they hurt The Romans understood how important it was for their legion to be wearing good foot wear. – Caligae They were designed to give the soldier traction even in mud and protect them glass, debris, and other hazards he might find on the battlefield so that he was thinking more about the fight than watching what he stepped on or in. What we need to have to be ready to spread the Gospel is to have an attitude of readiness. It is this that prepares us to go into battle. Remember the goal is spread the Gospel to everyone

Shield of Faith vs 16:

Shield of Faith vs 16 The scolums the legionaires carried were huge – some were about 3.5 ft by 3.5 feet. They were able to protect a soldier from head to foot. Its curve allowed it to deflect a lot of force and energy away from the user. And it usually had a large metal knob on the center one could use as a blunt weapon to knock an opponent down. How is faith like one of these shields? Like the shield, faith is both defensive and offensive. Like the shield its something that you hold. It’s real and substantive and tangible. It is solid evidence. Faith is trust in God and what He has given us. Notice how Paul says that we use faith to “extinguish the flaming arrows of the devil” pointing to just how important Faith is. Without faith you will be hit by those attacks.

Helmet of Salvation vs 17:

Helmet of Salvation vs 17 The Helmet protect the head and brain. We all instinctively understand why this important. Roman helmet covered both checks, forehead, and back of the neck. Why is the helmet equated with salvation? Spiritually, salvation protects our minds. A natural helmet may protect your brain but it can’t protect your thoughts. Salvation will keep you from becoming discouraged and from being tricked into sinning. Salvation is not just about being saved from the ultimate penalty of sin and death it’s about being protected right now as you fight in the battlefield you are on.

Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Vs 17:

Sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God. Vs 17 The gladius was a double-edge death on a stick. They used it for thrusting in close quarters. The legionaire could cut down an opponent swinging left and then the next swinging to the right without missing a step. IT was a short sword. Perfect for thrusting but not so much for parrying. You had to be in your opponent’s fact to use it. I recently saw how deadly useful it could be The Word of God is described as being “sharper than a two edged sword”. This is apt. When we use the word of God we have to get in close. God does not expect us to parry much..we have the shield for protection. IF you use the Word for attack you will break the enemies defenses and route them.

Gladius in Action:

Gladius in Action

Old Testament Description:

Old Testament Description Psalm 91:4 4  He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. - KJV He will cover you with his feathers,     and under his wings you will find refuge;     his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. - NIV

Examples of Bucklers:

Examples of Bucklers

Battle Tactics - Offense:

Battle Tactics - Offense The Romans did carry more offensive weapons into battle than a sword, including javelins and darts and ballistas and siege works. Why didn’t Paul mention any long range weapons? He did. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. – Eph 5:18 Prayer is our long range weapon. It’s what we use when need a weapon of mass destruction. Prayer, Praise, Worship

Battle Tactics -Defense:

Battle Tactics -Defense The Romans had a move called testudo , or "tortoise," formation – Effectively turning groups into a living tank steam rolling everything in their path This is what we do in the Body of Christ when we join our faith together - touch and agree – and follow Jesus in Righteousness. We become unstoppable.

Putting it together:

Putting it together

So Is Roman Armor the best Analogy today?:

So Is Roman Armor the best Analogy today? Yes I have to admit that I would rather think of my self wearing heavier armor like Iron Man flying around I’d even take the medieval armor. But that isn’t what God has in mind of us. The power to live this thing comes from God not the armor that He has given us. We must depend on Him and not on the armor. If God had given us flashy armor with massive destructive capabilities like these you know we would be more than tempted to trust it than God

Remember We Are At War:

Remember We Are At War

Pick a side:

Pick a side You are either on God’s side or you are not. There is no middle ground You were born on the loosing side You join God’s side when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Jesus is real, alive, and paid for your sins Romans 10:9 Without God’s armor you go into battle defenseless and the devil can pick you off at his leisure.

Bibliography and Sources:

Bibliography and Sources Armor of God Series: Iron Man and Iron Man 2 Deadliest Warrior – Season 2; Episode 6 – “ Roman Centurion vs Rajput” The Bible - KJV and NIV Roman legionary's clothing, armour and equipment -

Joaquin Murrieta: The Real Zorro

This is an amazing story. However, it is sad. When his story was fictionalized as the hero Juan Diego - Zorro, the villains were changed from racist White Americans to corrupt Mexican government officials and changed his timeline. Gee. I wonder why

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Does "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" Mean? -

A couple of days ago, there was a celebration of huge historical significance that I'd like to take a few minutes to highlight. On November 5, 1605 a group of conspirators came really close to assassinating the King of England and his Parliament at the time by blowing up the Palace of Westminister during the state opening. They planned to detonate 2.5 tons of gun powder under the palace. The plot was discovered and thwarted just hours before they planned to detonate. The reason for the plot was discontent with King James anti-Catholic policies and persecution. A small number of Catholics were involved including Guy Fawkes who became the literal face of the event as wells as for rebels today (think of the hacker group Anonymous). Although the recognized leader of the conspirators was Robert Catesby, Fawkes became the most recognized leader such that people began to commemorate the event by burning effigies of him....even today. He was arrested and tortured and forced to give up names of other conspirators. Attempting to kill the king was a high crime and punishable by hanging, drawn and quartered, physically castrated, and beheaded. This is what happened to those men.
Guy Fawks

The writer Alan Moore drew on this history in his graphic novel V for Vendetta. I don't wanna spoil the movie or the novel (I would recommend both) but the character V is inspired by this historical event. He even wears the Fawkes mask and fits with what his ultimate mission is,  Fawkes becomes an inspiration for fighting oppression. This is also what V for Vendetta is about.  After more than 400 years, people remember this story by remembering a Nursery rhyme. Maybe you have heard it. Part of it is quoted in the movie.

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.

So why is this important for today? Think of what would have happened if Fawkes and Catesby had succeeded in killing King James 1? Well for starters given that he was the one who officially authorized an English translation of the scriptures - which became the King James Version  -  it is really important that he survived. He became King in 1603 and the new Bible begins to be published in 1611. His Protestantism played an important role in him making that decision. Also remembering that William Tyndale was executed (strangled and then burned at the stake)  for publishing an English translation of the scriptures in 1536, explains just how important this is how much we take for granted having the Bible in our own language.

What Does "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" Mean? - “Remember, remember 5th November” is an expression referring to the celebration of Guy Fawkes Day.

Additionally, Britain still remembers this event and commemorates it. This year the BBC is airing a three-part mini-series dramatizing the event. It's called "Gun Powder". Interestingly, one of the producers and stars is Kit Harington. And Harington, who is a descended of men from both sides of this conflict as well as royalty,  is playing his own ancestor Robert Catesby.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Gospel According to Kanye West

In case you have not heard, Kanye West now confesses to being a born-again Christian. He faces criticism from both Christians and Non-Christians. People are scrutinizing everything he says and does. Some are thrilled that he is passionately trying to convince others to follow Christ and others are hoping he fails in his commitment so they can pretend Christianity is nothing and they can go about their lives. But what if Kanye's telling the truth? That would mean the Bible is right and we must all (everyone of us) bow the knee to Christ and turn our live over to him - live the way Jesus tells us we should live.  The carnally minded person is unwilling and unable to do this.

Therefore as people who love Jesus, we should embrace Kanye West. Give him discipleship and pray for him. Of course God can save anyone from their sins. If he can save me, then he can certainly save Kanye West.  We all come to God through Christ. Kanye is not different and I agree with the Christians who say we need to pray for him and not jump to conclusions about his salvation. Time will tell if he is saved because if he is he will grow in grace, knowledge, and closer to Jesus.

34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 35 Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. 36 Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 37 After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” - Acts 5:34-39

I think that Gamaliel's thought also applies to Kanye West. Regardless if you agree or disagree with his politics or his past public statements or how he is holding church outdoors - you must agree that if Kanye is being supported by God in what he is doing and saying it will grow and succeed. If it is not of God, it will fail. 

This post is about summarizing some things about this story that we see are being played out right in front of us. Steven Crowder is a Christian and holds many conservative views. I agree with many of them. I think he also has a balanced view on Kanye's conversion. 

One of the questions I had was who is that is discipling Kanye West? Every new Christian needs mature Christian(s) to come along side them and answer their questions, encourage, and teach them the ways of Jesus. I was wondering if God had placed such people around Kanye West.  Pastor Jeff Durbin interviewed such a man. Pastor Adam Tyson gave the following interview and what he describes is simply miraculous. 

During many of his recent Sunday Services, asked Pastors and Evangelists that he knows to give the sermon during his service. Here is Pastor Adam Tyson 's message from a few weeks ago. 

The  next two videos show interviews Kanye West have recently given. I hear a lot of sincerity.  A lot of passion. But he seems to be also growing. He seems like a person trying to get to God as fast as he can but is learning what to do and what not to do. He hasn't been saved long but he seems to love God and either does not realize that not everyone agrees with him or does not care. If he stays with Christ he will learn the proper balance. 

Here is another video of a Christian weighing in and counseling us not to be harshly judgmental,

The following is a link to an article from a woman who attended one of Kanye's services.
My Time in the Desert With Kanye One of the things that I did find as a problem is that Kanye is selling hot dogs and apparel as high price. Truth is, there legitimate churches that do the same thing so I cannot write off Kanye on this alone.  And I don't know if Kanye is still running the services that way.

Kanye really needs prayer - he and his own family. His wife seems to be trying to support him but they are having some problems.

Kanye asked his wife not dress provocatively in public. She pushed back a little bit. I doubt that this is the only problem they need to navigate. This is why Christians need to go to church - support in following God; showing love and serving one another. We get to practice on each other and then go out in the world and serve.

I want to end with Kanye's testimony in his own words.

Peter J Williams & Bart Ehrman • The story of Jesus: Are the Gospels his...

This is a good debate. They discuss many great things regarding the reliability of the Bible text. Bart Ehrman has risen to be someone who people listen to but he is wrong. The Bible can be trusted. Unfortunately, Dr Williams does not have the killer attitude to really take it to Dr Ehrman, but he by no means lost this. Dr Ehrman does not argue that Bible unreliability lead to his apostasy but argues that the Bible is not historically reliable or inerrant. Of course he is wrong, but instead says he left Christianity because of the Problem of Evil and unable to reconcile the fact that there is evil and suffering with what he understood about God.

Over the years, Dr Ehrman has debated many famous and capable Christians over the years. I highly recommend them.

Vs James White

vs. Michael Brown

vs. Dan Wallace

vs. William Lane Craig