Monday, December 30, 2019

Which Soteriological view is more "Humanistic?"

Leighton Flowers has lost it.

He plays an RC Sproul quote where he describes anti-Calvinistic soteriology as humanistic. Yet he completely mischaracterizes what Calvinists mean. Sproul was admonishing that we should not put our will first. As Jesus said, "Not my will, but your be done." They are not arguing as Flowers said they are arguing. Sproul, and other Calvinists, are referring to what where we start. As Flowers, do we start with humanities free will or do we start with God's will and His Sovereignty. Flowers attempts to make it sound like that this is a question of God's character. The Bible does not say that that God seeks the glory of others. God will not share his glory with another.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

I Blame Donald Trump for "American Gods" Firing Orlando Jones

I like the television show American Gods, but recently one of my favorite characters, Anansi - played by Orlando Jones -  was announced to be cut from the show. Not only am I disappointed for story reasons but I am saddened that they did Mr Jones dirty.  While  publicly stating that he was let go because the new show runner wants to go in a different direction, Orlando Jones heard that they now think that his character sent the wrong message to African Americans inspiring anger because the systematic and historical racism. Recently Orlando Jone posted a video describing his point of view.

The way I read this is that the people who run the show thinks that the character scares white people at best and offend trump supporters at worst. Following is a great clip from season 2 that shows the kind of rhetoric that was coming from Anansi. To be honest, its the kind of speech the powerful in society should hear.  And I can see why it would scare some people.

I think Orlando Jones is correct. We literally live in a world where a speech like the clip above is considered to be more decisive than Donald Trump's antics. Let that sink in. 

Captain America Punching Nazis: Why Comics Were ALWAYS Political

Please check out this video essay about how comics have ALWAYS been political from the beginning. It has a great deal of history.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Trump's Re-Election Campaign Thinks He's Like Thanos

Yesterday Trump's re-election campaign tweeted out the following meme.

In it, Thanos' face is superimposed by Trump's in a clip from Avengers: Endgame where Thanos tried to use the Infinity Gauntlet to kill all life in the Universe so he could start it over. In the movie, Iron Man saved the day by intervening and snapping his fingers and annihilating Thanos and his army instead. Trump's camp re-edits the clip so that "Trumpnos" declares himself "inevitable" and snaps away the lead Democrats who are leading the Impeachment inquiry against Trump.

Stunning. At first I had no words.

I think that this was a major tactical error by Trump's camp. There have been many vocal and hard push back. The original creator of the character Thanos, Jim Starlin, said:

"After my initial feeling of being violated, seeing that pompous fool using my creation to stroke his infantile ego, it finally struck me that the leader of my country and the free world actually enjoys comparing himself to a mass murderer."

"How sick is that? These are sad and strange times we are going through. Fortunately, all things, even national nightmares, eventually come to an end." 

 I agree with Jim Starlin. It's like the people who made this meme don't realize that Thanos is the bad guy who was trying to murder people. Are they implying that the Democrats are the Avengers? Funny things is that some people made memes in answer to this one and they are hilarious!

CNN's Don Lemon was livid.