Naked woman does ballet at Portland, Oregon protest.

On the early morning July 17, 2020 after 52 days of protests every day in Portland, Oregon as well as other places in the world, the weirdest protest tactic I have ever heard of took place. I am not sure what else to add.

As of today, I still don't know if anyone knows who she is or what she was trying to do.

The unseen realm of Apologetic with Dr. Michael Heiser

 The unseen realm of Apologetic with Dr. Michael Heiser

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Minneapolis City Council Pledges to Dismantle Police Department | NowThis

George Floyd's murder as a spark that set off a "powder keg" that has been building from a lot of problems in Minneapolis for decades.

An Urgent Message from Dr Brown (06.08.20)

I like what Dr Michael Brown has to say here. I just wish he would make a difference between the Black Lives Matter Movement and the Black Lives Matter Organization.

Disturbing Video of Protester Shot in the Face With a Rubber Bullet

It is very interesting how different news outlets cover the same story. I saw another related story LaToya Ratlief refers to where Fort Lauderdale police officer pushes kneeling protestors. I hope she recovers fully.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Testimony: Racist slur used as Arbery lay dying far anyone who thought that Ahmad Arbery's death had nothing to do with his race.

Trump Cares More About Looking Christian Than Being Christian

On Monday June 1, 2020 President Trump interrupted the lawful protest of American citizens for a Photo-op?! The protesters were peacefully demonstrating in Lafiete Park in Washington DC against the murder of George Floyd close to Saint John's Episcopal Church. Police came through in heavy riot gear and pushed people out of the park! Then Trump and several his advisers walked through the park, stopped at the church. Several pictures were taken of Trump awkwardly holding up a Bible. I'm trying not to be too hard on him. It was probably his first time holding a Bible.  Anyway, I couldn't believe that this happened. Here is how NBC reported it.

Further adding to this travisty there is eyewitness testimony from clergy at the church on how the park was cleared:

The Secretary of Defense,Mark Espers, who was with Trump during this debacle says that the police did not use force.

Is Espers lying or is he just mistaken? I don't know. Look at what happened when the Prime Minister of Canada was asked about Donald Trump's response to our nationwide protests.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Who is Right about Isaiah 10?

Who is right about Isaiah 10? Is James White correct about what God has said in Isaiah 10? Or is his commitment to Calvinism skewing his exegesis?

Is Leighton Flowers is correct or his commitment against Calvinism destroying his comprehension of scripture?

Read Isaiah 10 and see who is right. They agree that God is saying that He is going to use the Assyrians to judge Judah for their sins by allowing Assyria to occupy and plunder His own people. And then when the Assyrians are done, God promised to punished Assyria for their sins and actions again Judah!

James White says that this passage is proof that God decreed for the Assyrians to do what they did - allowing them to do what they wanted to do and punish them for it. Leighton Flowers disagrees that God decreed the Assyrians actions but instead took advantage of their sins to bring about God's own purpose. I think the disagreement is over who gets the credit for what happened. Did God purpose the Assyrians as an instrument of his wrath and then punish them for doing what he purposed them to do? I think the passage in Isaiah says God did exactly that. Assyria was nothing more than a blunt instrument in God's hands.

“Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger,
    in whose hand is the club of my wrath!
I send him against a godless nation,
    I dispatch him against a people who anger me,
to seize loot and snatch plunder,
    and to trample them down like mud in the streets.
But this is not what he intends,
    this is not what he has in mind;
his purpose is to destroy,
    to put an end to many nations.

- Isaiah 10:5-7

I think James White is right that the reason God is just to punish Assyria because He didn't have to force them to be evil. They did what they wanted to do. Recall also that this  isn't the only passage that show God working the same way. Just read Habakkuk.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

We Need a Debate Between Dr Ken Wilson and Dr James White

In the past several weeks I have been watching an online back-and-forth between James White and Leighton flowers over Calvinism. Nothing new. The current debate centers on where John Calvin and Martin Luther got their ideas during the Protestant Reformation. Leighton Flowers and many folks who reject the ideas of Calvinism try to argue that the idea that salvation is outside of people's free-will choice was introduced to Christianity by Augustine and no early Christian church fathers believed in the total ability of man or God's meticulous control of reality, decreeing all that happens,  before Augustine taught it. They even take it far enough to that Augustine was influenced by Gnosticism.

Of course James White disagrees and has been interacting with an interview of Ken Wilson by Leighton Flowers on his podcast and a book Ken Wilson has written on how he believes that Augustine was influenced by 4th century Gnosticism. James White is spending several hours on this because he is also explaining what Gnosticism was and reading quotes from the Church Fathers.

I think both sides are talking past each other and not really interacting. Both White and Wilson have said that they want to debate each other. I sure hope this will happen. I think they need to agree on definitions including on what James White and Ken Wilson believe about what Calvinism and what Provisionism are and what they believe before they really get down to the fundamental questions that their disagreement raises: "Was Augustine the first to introduce the ideas, regarding Human free-will, that gave rise to Calvinism?"

Here are two videos that really sum up Ken Wilson's arguments.

James White has not finished his arguments but he has presented evidence that some Church Fathers did affirm God's sovereign control over everything. Here is an example from White's webcast.

I don't think James White has answered Wilson's thesis yet, but I do appreciate White going through all this history and thought I have not been exposed. I sure hope he will answer the video where Flowers and Wilson speak to White's critiques directly.

Here are some questions that I want answered in the debate between White and Wilson:
What is "predestination"?
What is "free libertarian will? Is it autonomous?
Was the a single early Christian author agree with libertarian free-will?
Is there anything "good" in me or you apart from God?"
How do we know what "good" is?
Does God control human will?
Has God ever controlled human will or just responded to it?
Is there a difference between the New Testament and the Church Fathers use terms like "Boulimai" and "Thelo"?

James White vs Steve Tassi Calvinism Debate

Pastor Steve Tassi made the following video about James White on Romans 9:

James White reviewed the above video prior to a Debate with Steve Tassi.

James White vs Steve Tassi Calvinism Debate

James White further commented on the debate here:

Mikki Kendall - Lifting Up All Women with “Hood Feminism” | The Daily Show

She makes so much sense. I wish leaders in our society would listen to her insights!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Oneness Vs Trinity Debates with Robert A Sabin (1932-2014)

Is the God of the Bible triune in person or unitary? The debate has raged for millennia. Interestingly enough time has passed that we can compare and contrast this debate over decades of video recorded debates. We can even watch how the arguments change over the life time of one man: Dr Robert A Sabin. He was a member of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) which is a oneness pentencostal denomination. He argued in two debates against the Trinity, and although I disagree with him I have to admit that he was consistent. In 1985 he debated along side Dr Nathanial Urshan against Dr Walter Martin and Dr E. Calvin Beisner. In 1999, he debated Dr James White. Watch how the discussion changes and grows.



Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Augustine of Hippo (modern day Algeria, Africa)

Here is a great discussion/interview with Dr Kenneth Samples by Vocab Malone about Saint Augustine of Hippo. I really enjoyed this! I only wish they had discussed Augustine's race, There is  much debate as to whether or not he was a black-skinned African. They did not really go there hard.  Vocab tried to soft-ball it by asking if he was a berber. If he was, then he would have looked nothing like a lot of the white-washed paintings of him.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Is The National Anthem Racist?

Get a load of this one.  I don't buy the argument at all. The National Anthem is part of America's shameful and racist past.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Does Christianity Justify Slavery?

Many of my favorite apologists and/or theologians who happen to be white do not deal with the questions such as this one: Does the Bible Justify Slavery? Given how it has influenced you and affected you dictates how you will answer this question. Being a descendant of slaves gives you an emotional reaction to this. Some white Christians, like Dr James White, admonish that emotions and feelings should not affect answering this question. He thinks that we should just ignore what happened and focus on preaching and teaching the gospel without any attention or reparations for what happened in the name of Christianity. I agree with him but there is a way to talk about it and preach the gospel without pretending that slavery, imperialism, and oppression do not have effects on some of their brothers and sisters in Christ today. This is to tell the truth. The Bible does not justify slavery but some people who claimed to be Christians did. This will allow one to really look at what the Bible says. People like Dr White do not have to deal with the issue and therefore is not able to really discuss the issue from an African-American point of view. This is why I think he should stay in his lane because God has raised up other people who can do deal with the issue of slavery and oppression from a Biblical viewpoint without watering down history, truth, or the Bible.

See the following video of an example of how this can be done well. She uses history to show how being a Christian is really an act of defiance to White Supremacy not a capitulation to it.

Now look at how Dr James White answers the question about if Slavery is always wrong. He argues that Slavery was necessary in ancient times. I don't disagree but you cannot conflate slavery in ancient times with the American Slavery Institutions. One of these things is not like the other.

Is Racism in Britain to Blame for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Depar...

To Answer the question: Yes. Piers Morgan is wrong and obviously not self-reflective enough to see that he is racist.

Remember Morgan said that the man who posted the following image in British media when Harry and Meghan brought their son Archie home did not know that Meghan is a black woman and did not mean to imply to equate black people with apes.

Right. Maybe he actually also believes President Trump that Soleimani was an imminent threat to the United States and not just a inevitable or past threat.