Monday, October 27, 2008

California Proposition 8 and the Word of God

I am a resident of California. When I vote November 4, 2008 I will not only be voting for the next President of the United States, I will be voting on state propositions. I don't know if our proposition to uphold the traditional definition of Marriage (Proposition 8) is being reported on in other parts of the nation but it is a big deal here. I have been given it a lot of thought so I thought that I would post something about it. Let's first look at what the Proposition 8 actually says:

• Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
• Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
Summary of Legislative Analyst’s Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
• Over the next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly from sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of
millions of dollars, to state and local governments.
• In the long run, likely little fiscal impact on state and local governments.
In California, we can get all the initiatives and propositions summarized for the voters. Here is a link so that you can see it yourself: CA General Elections Propositions . Here is how the document gives the background on Proposition 8:

In March 2000, California voters passed
Proposition 22 to specify in state law that only
marriage between a man and a woman is valid or
recognized in California. In May 2008, the California
Supreme Court ruled that the statute enacted by
Proposition 22 and other statutes that limit marriage
to a relationship between a man and a woman
violated the equal protection clause of the California
Constitution. It also held that individuals of the
same sex have the right to marry under the California
Constitution. As a result of the ruling, marriage
between individuals of the same sex is currently valid
or recognized in the state.

There are several concerns about I have with Prop 8:
1. I remember the election of 2000 and I did vote to pass Proposition 22. It bothered me when 4 California State Supreme Court Judges decided to overturn the law I helped pass. The voters of California passed that law, Judges are not supposed to overturn law or make new laws. They are supposed to interpret and uphold laws that voters pass. They effectively re-defined what "marriage" is and all Prop 8 is doing putting it back the way it was before May 2008.
2. Under fiscal impact, opponents of the Prop 8, says that we should not pass it and allow California to be a haven for homosexuals who want to marry their partners because they will bring more money to California.
3. One argument against Prop 8 is that it singles out homosexuals and denies them the right to marry - a fundamental right - and could set a precedent for limiting the rights of select groups. I don't buy it because in no way does defining marriage traditionally take away the rights homosexuals already have in California under domestic partnership laws. Marriage has always been defined as being between a man and a woman. Changing the definition means that it is no longer "marriage". Can we call a rectangle a "triangle"? No! A rectangle has 4 sides and cannot be a triangle! Changing the definition means that language has no meaning any more.
4. Another argument against Prop 8 is that it is primarily backed by Mormons in Utah. I have not checked this out, but I don't think that it matters. I don't agree with all of Mormonism, but if they say that same-sex marriage is wrong, at least at that point they agree with the Bible, and if you agree with the Bible then you must agree with them on that. I don't look at voting "yes" on 8 as agreeing with the Mormon church, but I know it is agreeing with God.
5. We should be way more concerned with the slippery slope of what changing the definition of Marriage really means. If we say that marriage is "between consenting adults" then what is keep a man from marrying multiple women? Or vice versa? Why stop there? You could marry your pet. Or why not marry your child? Where do you draw the line? Two generations ago, no one would have ever thought that "marriage" would be open for re-definition. What about in 2 more generations?
6. Another argument against Prop 8 is that we can't use religious sensibilities to dictate government policy. I have 2 problems with this: first it's not completely religious. I mean on one level we are talking about the definition of one of the bedrock of human society: how we think, raise and educate or children, and what it means to be a family. Why do all religions and cultures define marriage as being between a man and woman? It's only been in recent years that this has been challenged. Why? Because its the fundamental definition of what marriage is. Where did we get it from? It could have been any number of other things. Why would it come down to us this way? The only answer that makes sense is the answer the Bible gives: God said so. Second, "separation of church and state" is a facade. It is what we tell ourselves so that we can ease our conscience so we can do what we want to do in public instead of what God wants us to do. Ask yourself: "why are all men created equal"? Why should the weak be protected? Why should I care how I live my life affects people around me? I do not think for a second that anyone would come to these ideas without God. If evolution is correct (I smell another post), then it does not make sense that these ideas would have ever come to mind. "Survival of the fittest". "Only the strong are worthy to thrive and reproduce". These are the ideas that would drive an evolutionary world view and would fully characterize our government if not for the power of God. I maintain that we know that all people are created equal and should be given the same basic rights only because God said so. If that is true...then we should define those rights by what that God says.
7. For me the nail that drives down the reasons I will vote "Yes" on proposition 8 is that the word of God is clear on the subject. As one who says that Jesus is my Lord. My Savior. My Master. I must love what He loves. Hate what He hates. I am trying to follow in my Master's footsteps. God does not hate homosexuals. He loves them like He loves all of us. And like all of us, He calls us to His best. It's just a sin. No worse then any other sin people commit. God does not have some special place in hell for homosexuals worse than where the liars are going. Sometimes what He knows is best is not what we think is best. This is tough. By taking this stand some would call me a bigot at worst, ignorant and misguided at best. And on the surface, people are asking does it really matter? Why is it wrong to love someone even if its someone of the same gender? Aside from the physical and emotional pain that such a lifestyle causes and can sometimes be invisible to the participants and observers, God told us not to do it. End of story. If you don't like it, talk to God about it. As one who claims to belong to God, you must vote for prop 8. If you disagree then you have to prove that God has no problem with homosexuality.

Here are two scriptures that you would have to respond to:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Romans 1:21-27

Sounds familiar? The Bible is not just talking about the Roman Empire of the 1st century but of America in the 21st Century. Here is an example of what the Bible has to say about marriage in 1st Corinthians 7:1-7.

Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.

Unless you wanna argue that the Bible contradicts itself you can't say that a husband should have one wife and a wife should have one husband and then say that same-sex unions glorify God. They don't fit. The only way the 2 scriptures I appealed to can be reconciled is if same-sex unions are not defined as marriage. If society wants to ignore God's law it can do it without adding the insult to injury by re-defining marriage.

CA General Elections Propositions - Get more Docstoc Buzz


  1. It is clear that you are passionate about your feelings toward homosexuals but your arguments, in my opinion, do not mirror the love of Christ nor is your position of the Courts an accurate reflection of the proper role of the Court.

    Passage of Proposition 8 will DO NOTHING to eliminate or reduce homosexual unions but will certainly add legal costs to the State of California as we are thrown into a national controversy as the Proposition's passage will be contested in the Supreme Court as a violation of the 14th amendment's equal protection clause.

    Consider for a moment:
    *Prop 8 will not invalidate same sex marriages that occur as a result of a sex-change operation.
    *Prop 8 cannot supersede our obligation to acknowledge marriages from other states - even if those are same-sex couples from CN, Hawaii, MS etc.
    *Prop 8 will not stop children from learning about same-sex couples in school. Kids learn from each other and they will learn about it from their classmates who have homosexual parents, uncles, aunts, cousins etc.

    While there are numerous errors in your arguments among which, consider the following:

    **the United States is built four elements: (1) popular sovereignty, meaning that the people are the ultimate source of the government’s authority; (2) representative government; (3) checks and balances; and (4) federalism, an arrangement where powers are shared by different levels of government.

    The charge of the Christian is not to legislate or seek to dominate the society but rather be a model citizen.

    The fact that organized groups of religious people are leading the charge in this does damage to the cause of Christ. In Christ's example, He demonstrated love and mercy. Christ was never a member of a legalistic mob to shout down or condemn those He sought to draw into the family of faith.

    Consider the example of Christ concerning the adulterer in John 8. She was caught in the "very act" and under the law her just punishment was death. Christ demonstrated that God's law is not man's law when He raised the bar from her sin to whether or not any who were guilty had authority to condemn her. When Christ says "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," He is letting all know that it is God alone who can condemn a person for sin. And, yet because of God's mercy, even though her sin was condemnable, He says "neither do I condemn you."

    How can believers demonstrate Christ's love if we engage in a politic of condemnation and unequal treatment under the law?

    Proposition 8 proposes to exact a moral authority over fellow-citizens by amending our State Constitution. If Prop 8 passes, it will be contested to the US Supreme Court, where it will be found to be in violation of the 14th Amendment equal protection clause. The people of California will spend millions of dollars trying to defend this act which has nothing to do with our Christian witness.

    As Christians, I believe our job is to do what Christ did. Love and guide; not condemn and castigate.

    Californians should be suspicious of any push from groups and interested parties from out of state. Both Prop 22 and this current Prop 8 are largely supported by groups that are not located here. Also, people outside California probably don't realize that 6 of the 9 justices are conservatives appointed by Republican governors. They did not overturn Proposition 22 because of its morality; it was overturned because it was unconstitutional.

    Lastly, I believe it is irresponsible for anyone to not exercise their constitutional right and responsibility as a citizen to participate in the vote. I'm not sure how to determine your declaration that you will not vote for the Presidency. Why not? Are you not willing to take a stand and cast a vote for anyone seeking to serve in that capacity? There are several people running for that office including Cynthia McKinney, Alan Keyes, Bob Barr, and others including the Democrat and Republican.

    While Scripture tells us to be good citizens, Praise be to God that our vote does not determine our salvation!

    Christians of good intent will disagree and will cast votes for representatives of both parties. And, it is our responsibility to consider the issues before us and participate in this democracy to keep it vibrant and strong.

    I urge everyone to read for themselves and consider how the law will impact their lives and the lives of fellow-citizens. How will your vote impact the lives of the poor? the environment? college education? access to healthcare? the economy? prison reform? foster case? elderly?

    Lastly, we are admonished to love justice, do mercy and walk humbly before our God. I pray that more believers commit themselves to personal witnessing the Good News than to attempting to condemn others through the law which is meant to protect all.

    Peace & Blessings,

  2. I don't have anything against homosexuality more than I do against any other thing God has told us not to do. Sexuality immorality is an "line item" in Galatians 5: 19-21 under "acts of the sinful nature". It is wrong for people to condemn homosexuality and not touch on the other things on this list. No where is in the Bible are Homosexuals themselves condemn, but what they do.

    I never did say that I would not vote for the Presidency and good Bible Believing Christians can and will disagree without affecting their salvation before God. All that takes is putting your faith in Jesus. Nothing ultimately can change that. That is between the individual and the God who justifies him or her.

    I agree and understand with the points raised about what Prop 8 will not do. That is isn't the point. The point is: What is marriage? What do we as a culture say what marriage is? It has nothing to do with "equal protection under the law." Homosexual couples many of the same insurances and rights as heterosexuals living as common-law spouses. What they are missing is legitimacy. If we change the definition of marriage then we are acknowledging that same-sex unions are just as right and just as valid as traditional marriages.

    I do not think that this will go to the supreme court because Prop 8 is not changing anything. It's returning the definition to the same definition that it always has. It's not breaking up same sex unions only saying that you can't call it marriage. Can you call a four-sided polygon a triangle? No...its a rectangle no matter what anyone says. You can't call an orange an apple.

    Although I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle on Biblical grounds, supporting Prop 8 does not end anyone's right to live and sin as they see fit, but it does say that we are not going to condone people to live in a way that God has said that we should not live. It is a way to tell our children that its not the same as traditional marriage.

    I believe that one of the best way for a Christian to be a model season is to stand up and tell society what God has said. And make sure that they know what God is holding us accountable for. In a representative government with checks and balances we can use our vote to be an an example for God based on what we condemn and endorse.

    When Christ told the women caught in adultery that he did not condemn her he let her go with the full statement: "Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin." John 8:11 See my point: We must love all people, no matter their sin but we must never accept or condone their sins or our own. It truly is "Holiness or Hell." The reason why I am "passionate" about this is that people are going to be going hell over this. People are decieved into thinking that they are being "loving" re-defining marriage but what we are doing if we re-define marriage we are lowering the standard to which God has called us to be when we marry. Jesus never condoned what the woman caught in adultery had done but just reminded her accusers that they were in no position to throw stones.

    I agree that we must study the issues and pray and think about the consequences of everything we vote for. God is holding us accountable for every idle word. The law is for the lawless. We cannot apply the thought that of toleration other people ideas of morality and lifestyle when it goes against what God has said. I am not comfortable to condone something that I know that God does not condone. Romans 14:22 says So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves." This is in context of things like whether or not you eat meat or not. Or on what day you worship. It can't be applied to things that God has outright spoken about.

    You said in your comment that I have committed errors. I'm not so high minded that I can't admit that possibility. I'm trying to hit the mark of what God wants me to do, not miss it. I have personally missed it more times than I care to recount. Therefore the best way to help me understand my error is to just prove that a homosexual lifestyle is not a sin, and that God has no problem with us condoning something that He does not condone.

  3. My bad: You said you were not ONLY going to vote for President. Missed the only.

    Can you provide me examples from Scripture where believers are encouraged, directed or advised to use government to define or support ideology or philosophy of our faith? I am interested to know by what authority does a Believer feel empowered to use government to protect, preserve or promote our faith.

  4. This change to our constitution is being framed as "overturning" a Supreme Court decision, when in fact, it was the Court who upheld the Constitution. If this was about reasserting Prop 22, it would not required a "constitutional amendment."

    The entire nation is watching because if this passes, this will be the first time a State's constitution has been amended to impose a discrimination against a class of citizens.

    Do not be fooled. This is going to be challenged at the National level which is where the proponents want it because ultimately, they want to dismantle the 14th Amendment.

    Conservatives in this country (including LDS leaders who only in the past 20 years began to believe that Blacks could inherit the Kingdom) have long resented the power of the judiciary to protect minorities. Conservatives distrust the Bill of Rights and especially 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.

    There are many in the Pro 8 camp talk about being constitutionalists but that's code for returning to the days of white supremacy as God's vision.

    Be careful with whom you align yourself.

    Contrary to right-wing talking points, not all of the founders were Christian. There were atheists, agnostics, Quakers and naturalists. They sought to establish a government where faith and governance were separate and therefore, faith being protected from abuses of the State.

    Proposition 8 represents, in my opinion, a threat to democratic protection of Church and faith. If passed, a Majority will have changed a State Constitution, in the larger hope of Changing the US Constitution. If they succeed, you will see constitutional challenges to the amendments to the Bill of Rights.

    Do you remember Prop 209? Since the passage of Prop 209, Black enrollment in Universities and Colleges in California have dropped significantly; black contractors have been run out of business; and, black small businesses have been unable to get access to capital. What happens if the principals of Prop 209 will be added to the State and US constitutions? Constitutional law is a law of precedents: this is never about a one time occurrence.

    So beware of the slipper slope. Don't forget that neo-cons used the so-called homosexual threat to deliver is the Republican Congress in 1994 and the Contract with America AND repeated the theme to give us 2 terms of George Bush.

    Buyer Beware!

  5. As you pointed out in your comments: "Passage of Proposition 8 will DO NOTHING to eliminate or reduce homosexual unions". Supporting Prop 8 does not mean using "government to protect, preserve or promote our faith". It's preserving, protecting, marriage. Christianity is not the only religion that condemns homosexual lifestyles. The only ones (as a matter of historical definition) that do seem to be open to sexuality secularists because they have no outside "authority" constraining them. When I appealed to the Bible I was not condemning homosexuality per se, I was using the Bible to say that you cannot say you base your life on it yet can support re-defining "marriage" in a way contrary to what it says.

    By and large I am more than willing to to admit that government is not always the best solution to make sure that society is reflecting Biblical morality. The best we can do with our vote is make a statement. It may be ignored but at least we can say that it is publicly known that we stand by what God says is true no matter what else anyone thinks. Daniel is an example. the government said he had to practice idoltry and Daniel respectively refused. May we do the same.

    God tells us to uphold his truth even if it goes against the government. Most of the time, we will be standing against culture and government, not wielding it. Passing Prop 8 hasnothing to do with discrimination or hating "gay". all I am saying is keep the definition of marriage.

    2 Corinthians 10:4-6 says:
    "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

  6. As long as we obey God and do what he says, then we don't have anything to worry about. He told us what marriage is. We have to stand on that. Is it gonna hurt? Most likely. Could it end up being twisted and used against us? Only if God allows it. All we was told to do was obey Him and teach others to do the same. Here is a chance to witness by example.As for the people who are cultist but stand for upholding the definition of what. On this issue they are on God's side. And I'll tell them when they are wrong on the issues where they are not God's side.
