Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2009 White House Correspondents' Dinner President Obama Speech

I'm amazed how events such as the White House Correspondents' Dinner takes on some significance with the Obama Administration more than any previous President. Here is some video from Obama's speech. He made fun of some of his critics.

Here is comedian Wanda Sykes' comments. She was the first African-American woman to speak at the venue. And the first open lesbian. She drew fire because of the jokes she mad about some conservative, who's name I will not mention right now, hoping that he will get sick and die. I think, from a Christian point of view, it was over the line. However she is not professing to be a Christian.


  1. she's a comedian. people need to relax. and that dude who you didn't name is over the line on a regular basis, and he isn't even funny!

    Obama was great. he did rib his critics, but he also made fun of his wife, Joe Biden, and himself.

  2. You have a point, he's always over the line! Thanks for commenting!
