Thursday, October 15, 2009

Danielle Belton's The Black Snob - The Snob Blog - This Thing Is Not Like the Other: Mormons and

 I saw a great article on the Snob Blog about how the Mormons are trying to jump on "we are being persecuted just like black people who fought for Civil Rights" bandwagon. I don't see same-sex marriage as a civil right, but I must agree that I'm offended that both Mormon, with who I agree with about not changing the definition of "marriage" beyond the definition of heterosexual couples, and gay movement itself equating their struggles with those in the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights movement was fought against the Mormon church as well as other racist institutions. Anyone else remember that black people used to not be able to Mormons, not that I wanna join. I totally disagree with their theology concerning God's nature, Jesus, and exactly what the atonement is on Biblical basis. It's mind-boggling to me now that Mormons want to identify with black people now when they used to teach we have tails and were not as good as white people. Curiouser and Curiouser! Remember many (not all Mormons) had more in common with the people standing around the tree than those in it, until the mid-1960s.

Danielle Belton's The Black Snob - The Snob Blog - This Thing Is Not Like the Other: Mormons and "SouthernĂ‚ Blacks"

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