Sunday, November 22, 2009

YouTube - Debunking William Lane Craig

William Lane CraigImage via Wikipedia
Um, where is the "A" material? I was expecting something hardcore that would make me sit up and notice. The video's argument basically is that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroy therefore God could not have created the universe out of nothing. It further asserts that the Quantum Wave function of the universe points to high probability that the universe formed uncaused.

Here are my problems:
1. There is a distinct presupposition that there can be no supernatural explanation and that the laws of matter/energy conservation have always held. He offers no proof.
2. Current science does point to the universe sprang out of nothing, leading to two possible explanations: multiple universes with all possible physical constants and laws being present and actualized in each universe, or one universe in which someone set everything up for life and reality as we know it. Take your pick? Which one is more plausible?
3. The arguments concerning the quantum wave function was too much hand-waving. I took a year of Quantum Mechanic at UC Berkeley and I would have rather have seen some equations showing how he is getting numbers of his probabilities for the universe springing forth uncaused.

William Lane Craig is far from debunked...insulted maybe....but not beaten by any stretch of the imagination.

YouTube - Debunking William Lane Craig

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