Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hugh Ross and Kent Hovind radio debate

Kent HovindImage via Wikipedia
I have to admit that I enjoy Kent Hovind's debates against atheists a lot more than when he debates other Christians that disagree with him. This particular debate he had against Hugh Ross on the Radio about 10 years ago illustrates this point. I think this debate displays flaws in Hovind's character and theology. Disrespecting Hugh Ross' credentials and scholarship is very regrettable. It all stems from the idea of Hovind's unwillingness to look at scripture objectively and science objectively. and to really listen to what some of his Christian brothers and sisters are really saying. Anyone who has truly studied the Bible knows that you can't just pick up the King James Version and read it and get every nugget in the text without consulting other translations and the original language as well as science and history. Hovind does not really do this unless it supports what he thinks the Bible says. I think Ross does not do this and is more fair and balance.

I've been looking for something like this debate. A full on discussion concerning does science and the Bible really conflict on the age of the earth. I would have liked to heard more science but it was still good to hear them go toe-to-toe on scripture. One thing that I think was missing was that if Noah's flood was a global flood then it could have been also local because at the time of Noah's flood all the continents were gathered in one place. This one is really worth listening to!

Hugh Ross and Kent Hovind radio debate
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  1. If you want to see a much better debate with Ross, check out the one in the "media" section in the answers in genesis website.
